Who Needs Directions?

Do you know anyone who is opposed to asking for directions? Do you know anyone who tries to put a piece of equipment or furniture together without reading the manual? Why not benefit from the knowledge of those with experience? If you have a hands-on learner, you can join Edwina Moody in Kinetic Connections. Through her own experiences raising and teaching a kinetic learner, she provides ideas and encouragement to help parents teach their own hands-on learners virtually any subject from math to geography. A new article is available each month, as well as printables and additional resources. Whole Foods Cooking with Sue Gregg is a wonderful course for the entire family. Even the youngest members can take part and learn how to cook. Cooking with whole foods can seem intimidating if you’ve never done so before, so follow Sue as she shares her experience. Learn how to cook breakfasts, soups, finger foods, and main dishes. Step-by-step photo demonstrations, along with printouts, are provided for such dishes as Taco Chip O’le, Tuna Bunsteads, Baked Parmesan Chicken, Lemon Baked Salmon, Baked Potato Gourmet, and Pasta Parmesan Supreme.
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s® SchoolhouseTeachers.com
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC