Why Attend a Homeschool Convention?

Product reviews, YouTube videos, forums, and Facebook groups are filled with advice, suggestions, and ideas so is a homeschool convention even necessary? Absolutely! Attending a homeschool convention has more benefits than simply finding new curriculum—although that certainly is an added bonus. Here are the top five reasons you should attend a homeschool convention this year.
5) You Will Be with Your Tribe.
Let’s face it. We all need encouragement once in a while, and getting together with like-minded folk is exhilarating. Being around those with similar values, ideas, and philosophies helps to push us toward our goals. Homeschooling is tough. Some days are just hard. Taking some time out to be with others in the same boat as you can help boost your confidence and give you the strength to keep on keeping on.
4) You Can Physically Look Through Curriculum.
Online reviews are a blessing, but getting your hands on the curriculum changes everything. There have been times that I have looked at a curriculum inside and out, and I was convinced that I was going to drop several hundreds of dollars to purchase it the first chance I had. I had read reviews, looked at videos, and even used the handy “look inside” feature on Amazon to see several of the pages. Then, unexpectedly, I happened to find this particular curriculum in full at a homeschool library. I had the opportunity to check out the curriculum free of charge for an entire year saving myself hundreds of dollars. Yet, as soon as I actually saw the curriculum and had about ten to fifteen minutes to sit down and really look at it, I realized it was not for my family. I didn’t want to use it even though it was free! That is not to say it was a terrible curriculum; it was just I realized that it was not what I was expecting.
Think about how much money you could save by knowing exactly what you are getting into before you buy!
3) You Have an Excuse to Get Away.
I have attended homeschool conventions for several different reasons. The first time I went it was simply to “get away.” A group of homeschool moms from my church shared a hotel room and went without kids, without husbands, and had a blast! The second time I went I was helping a vendor with her booth. I was a huge fan of the product, and she needed help. It was an awesome experience as well. I have to admit though, after the second time I was beginning to realize how much my kids would enjoy attending. I just was not sure I could get my husband on board. Fortunately, the following year had one of my husband’s favorite homesteaders speaking so he actually was interested in attending. Our family was in desperate need of a family get-away, and this three-day endeavor only a few hours away seemed perfect, and it was! Even with a newborn, I still had a relaxing time. My husband enjoyed the speakers, and my kids now want to attend year after year.
2) You Can Hear Your Favorite Homeschool Speakers.
You see them on YouTube, you read their articles in The Homeschool Minute or The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, but have you heard them in person? In a digital age where we can press pause or put a video on hold for a few days before getting back to it, our attention spans are diminishing. Putting ourselves in a situation where we go, with several hundred or thousands of other people, and sitting for an hour at a time per session can help us to focus. During this time, our minds are less likely to wander and prepare meals for the next week or wonder if we need to put a new load of laundry in the dryer. We can be focused, intent, and able to learn what we need to help us along the journey. We might even be able to have a chat with our favorite speakers at their both, gleaning even more wisdom and inspiration.
1) Because You Can!
Homeschool conventions are happening in 2022! I attended one a few hours away in 2021, and I have to admit not many people were there since the pandemic was still in full swing. Of the people that were though, we had a blessed time! The vendors were blessed, the attendees were blessed, and the speakers were able to do their thing after a hiatus. Now that more states are opening up, 2022 is the year to attend a homeschool convention. Not only will it support the group hosting it, but it will help support the organizations setting up booths and selling their materials. Of course, it also helps get materials into the hands of old and new homeschoolers alike so they can have their best homeschool year yet!
Visit The Old Schoolhouse® Booth at the Following 2022 Homeschool Conventions:
April 21–23, 2022, MassHOPE (MA) Deborah Wuehler will be speaking!
June 9–11, 2022, HEAV (VA) Heather Vogler will be speaking!
June 16-18, 2022, RMHC (CO) Deborah Wuehler will be speaking!
June 24–25, 2022, CAPE-NM (NM) Deborah Wuehler will be speaking!
September 21–24, 2022, HSLDA National Leaders’ Conference (MO)