Wildflower Fun & Learning

The first full week of May is National Wildflower Week, and who doesn’t love the beauty and color of the blooming wildflowers in spring!
So, it is National Wildflower week so how can you celebrate? God planted so many lessons when he planted wildflowers, and now is the perfect opportunity to take part in those lessons during the warm spring days.
Depending on the area you live in, you may have tons of wildflowers blooming all around or maybe you live in an area where there are few but still absolutely beautiful.
My family resides in southwest Pennsylvania, and wildflowers (and a few weeds) are a plenty so we love learning and exploring with what God provided all around us!
A beautiful way to add up the day!
Of course, you can cover the many basics of math with wildflowers from counting, colors, shapes, matching, size, and so much more, but exploring beyond the basics as kiddos get older can pose a challenge. What ideas have you used?
For older kiddos, you may dry out seeds to have them use for fine motor math division, or check out these awesome math resources to expand your wildflower math learning:
Rainbow Tissue Paper Flower:
Butterfly Symmetry:
Blooming with opportunity!
Of course, science because, well, we are talking about nature 😉
Learning the basics of plants can be simple for littles or more detailed for olders from learning to identify specific flowers to knowing how and why they grow (a great way to incorporate pollinators). We absolutely love using the Seek app to identify flowers, plants, bugs, and more. There are some great challenges for the kiddos and family to partake in on the app too!
Some great resources for all ages:
Wildflower Field Guide:
Common wildflower booklet for UK:
Parts of a Plant Worksheets:
Parts of a Plant Montessori Tray:
TP Roll Parts of a Plant:
Dandelion Life Cycle:
This list is endless from general life cycle information to learning about specific wildflowers in your area. The ideas are as endless as the number of wildflowers in the world. Don’t forget to always check with your local parks and resources for more information specific to your area and any rules regarding wildflowers (make sure to take a camera always).
Social Studies
Growing far and wide!
Wildflowers aren’t just in our backyard and woods or desserts; they are all around the world and the variety is bountiful. Learning about your local wildflowers is fun, but take a trip (for real or virtually) to expand your knowledge. This is a great opportunity for kiddos of all ages to learn about other parts of the world and explore the wildflowers there.
Explore the wildflowers around the world:
Or explore the states:
Or check out your specific state or area:
Arts & Crafts
Hands of learning!
Wildflowers are so inviting how can we not get creative! I’ve seen so many ideas recently on Facebook and from friends on getting crafty with flowers. At the top on my list is the amazing wings I’ve seen so many times, but we have a few more ideas as well to do this spring as we are learning.
Wildflower Wings:
Painting with flowers (we like using dandelions):
Watercolor Dyed Napkins:
Collage Suncatcher:
Cardboard Vase:
Baking & Making
Tasty treats from the great outdoors!
The more I get into nature, the more I strive to learn about the many uses of all the plants from our backyard for eating, for medicinal uses, and more.
One of the most versatile wildflowers 😉 (weeds) will always be the dandelion for me. It may not be the fanciest wildflower, but its uses are endless.
So here are some awesome resources to help you learn about this weed. Stop killing them. Use them or leave them for the bees (usually the first flower of spring for the busy bees).
50+ recipes:
12 Things to do:
How do you read wildflowers? 🤔
What a better topic then wildflowers for poetry! Learning about poetry elements, authors, and having tea is a great way to incorporate wildflowers into reading.
Poetry Cards for Kids:
Robert Louis Stevenson:
Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms (elementary/young readers activity):
Living Books:
Grow in the Word through nature
Matthew 6:28
“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.”
Scripture Study and More:
Connect with God in Nature:
Even More!
And check out this amazing resource with even more ideas!
So, get outside and let those little blossoms bloom while learning about wildflowers.
Just remember to respect the area you are in. Some places you are not allowed to pick the wildflowers, but you can look, sketch, or snap a picture! And make sure to leave some for all the pollinators!
Share your wildflower adventures and resources as you learn!
Abi (a little bit crazy) Frazee, is a sort of newish, homeschooling momma with three little crazy Frazees. Abi, her husband, Justin & kiddos reside in the mountains of Southwestern Pennsylvania, and enjoy spontaneous field trips. Abi has a BA in Early Childhood Education, a MS in Special Education, and is a Certified Labor Doula; she uses her education, with past and present experiences to cultivate a love of learning & sharing. Love, Learn, Have Faith, Smile (& drink coffee!)