Women’s History Month

Women have made a huge impact on our history, those who have come before us and those who to come.
During the Month of March, it is National Women’s History Month, and to celebrate, we recognize women who have been movers and shakers in history. Many names of our “present history” come to mind quickly, like Rosa Parks, Amelia Earhart, Temple Grandin, and the list goes on; but the ones who have made the biggest impact on me are those whom I learned about in Sunday School (and continue to learn about), and who are part of my family tree.
To celebrate Women’s History Month this year, dig into your favorite heroine from the Bible to share with your kiddos; what better women to have your little ones look up to than those who walked with Jesus or during those days? Mary, mother of Jesus, Ruth, Sarah, Eve, or maybe learn of Biblical women you don’t know much about; learn more about these outstanding, movers and shakers, from way back when–the original Women of History.
Besides the women of the Bible, whom I love learning about, I also love sharing and learning more of the women from my personal family tree. My family has been very blessed to have five living generations, essentially having a living history with grand, great and great-great grandparents. The women of myand your families have done big things, like creating you! Learn more about the women in your family by helping your kiddos create interview questions to ask their grandparents, aunts, cousins, or even those who are honorary family members.
Here are some ideas of questions to ask;make it your own and personalize it to your family.
Women’s History Month may be a focus of “big names” from current times, but some of the most inspirational women go back a few more centuries or even live in your own home!
Have Fun & Grow!
Abi (a little bit crazy) Frazee, is a sort of newish, homeschooling momma with three little crazy Frazees. Abi, her husband, Justin & kiddos reside in the mountains of Southwestern Pennsylvania, and enjoy spontaneous field trips. Abi has a BA in Early Childhood Education, a MS in Special Education, and is a Certified Labor Doula; she uses her education, with past and present experiences to cultivate a love of learning & sharing. Love, Learn, Have Faith, Smile (& drink coffee!)