Women’s History Resources for Homeschoolers

Take a step back in time as we explore women’s history resources for homeschoolers. Dating as far back as the 1700s to just as recently as 1999, we will dive into the history of women who made a difference across several continents—all with one purpose in common, the furtherance of the kingdom of God. You might wonder why I included the last one on this list, but I felt she deserved a place in the hall of fame of women who made a difference for Christ. Though she was only seventeen when she died, she has inspired generations of believers. In a day and age where women are making their mark in American history, let us take a step back and look at women from across the globe (Irish, British, American, Dutch, etc.).
Ann Judson (1789-1826)
American missionary Ann Judson translated the Gospel of Matthew in 1819. She was the first person to translate any part of the Bible into Siamese (Thai). She also translated the Books of Daniel and Jonah into Burmese and wrote a Burmese catechism. Wife of Burmese missionary Adoniram Judson, Ann was one of the first female missionaries to venture out into the mission field. In a day and age where men would go and leave the women and children behind to fulfill the call of God on their lives, Ann broke the mold by accompanying her husband. Two weeks after marriage, she went to India and eventually Burma with her husband. He became imprisoned, but she remained strong, faithful, and made a strong impact on those she met.
Adoniram and Ann Judson: Spent for God (2018) Full Movie
Catherine Booth (1829-1890)
Another notable woman from history is Catherine Booth. Catherine, along with her husband William, co-founded The Salvation Army. Known as “The Mother of The Salvation Army,” she began a ministry with Food for the Million shops providing cheap meals for the needy and free meals on Christmas. Writer, speaker, and social reformer, Booth saw many come to Christ in England where she and her husband lived.
Our People: The Remarkable Story of William and Catherine Booth and The Salvation Army Full Movie
Amy Carmichael (1867-1951)
Amy Carmichael was an Irish Christian missionary in India. She never married but devoted her life to the work of the Lord and the orphans in India. She served for fifty-five years and wrote thirty-five books about her missionary work. Before she died in India, she asked that no stone would be placed over her grave. Instead, the children of the ministry she founded placed a birdbath in memory of her legacy.
Corrie Ten Boom (1892-1983)
Corrie Ten Boom was a Dutch watchmaker who helped hide Jews in her family’s home during WWII. As part of the Dutch Reformed Church, her family fought hard to serve and help those in need, especially those of the Jewish community. In concert with the Dutch Resistance, she helped save hundreds of Jews escape death. Though imprisoned in a female concentration camp herself, she survived to tell the tale and brought inspiration to many through public speaking and her books including the ever-popular The Hiding Place.
The Hiding Place: Corrie Ten Boom
Gladys Aylward (1902-1970)
Gladys Aylward, a British missionary to China, is most famously portrayed as the heroine in The Inn of the Sixth Happiness film starring Ingrid Bergman. She trusted God to provide for her as she traveled to China and cared for the children God entrusted into her care bringing over one hundred of them across the Yellow River by a miracle of God to escape the Japanese bombing.
Elizabeth Elliot (1926-2015)
Elizabeth Elliot has inspired many modern missionary women with her heartbreaking and heartwarming story. Her husband, Jim Elliott, was killed while attempting to witness to the Auca Indians in Ecuador. The story does not end there. Rather than leaving the painful memories behind her, she embraced them by going back to the country where God had called her and her husband for two years and seeing salvation come to many Aucas.
Suffering Is Not for Nothing: Elizabeth Elliot
Rachel Scott (1981-1999)
The final one in this list of women’s history resources is Rachel Scott. At the age of seventeen, Rachel was murdered outside her high school during the Columbine High School massacre in 1999. She was the first of many that were shot. A young Christian woman, Rachel’s story is documented in the film I’m Not Ashamed.