Working the Wiggles Out When the Weather is Nasty

Winter is here. Temperatures are dropping, and in many places, it’s snowing or raining outside. Either way, the weather can make it hard to get outdoors this time of year. If your kids are anything like my kids, they’re probably bouncing on the couch or climbing the walls by mid-afternoon. While I want to shout “take it outside,” there are days the weather doesn’t allow that. Here’s what we do to deal with excess energy instead.
Dance Party
Turn up the music and encourage the moves! Get crazy with your kids. You’ll all have fun jumping and jiving together. Just make sure to pick up any toys before you start, and clear enough space (push the table back, move the footstools) so everyone can dance. We also talk about “spatial awareness,” aka don’t clout your sister with your fancy dance move, because nothing stops a good dance party as quick as someone getting hurt.
Exercise Videos
Another way to get the kids moving is to find kids’ exercise videos (either search online or at your library). They may enjoy the novelty of learning some new moves. My older girls enjoy doing my workout videoswith me, though the younger ones find these boring (and can’t focus for half an hour). You may want to preview the video before watching it with your kids to ensure it will work in your space and with your kids’ age and activity abilities.
Drop-in Gym
We also frequent our recreation center’s drop-in programs. They have several weekday drop-in gym times that the gym is open and the equipment is out. There’s plenty of space for the kids to run around plus new toys for them to try. Many of the drop-in programs are only a couple dollars per person.
Indoor Play Areas
There are days when we have dance parties in the living room. And there are days when we just need to get out of the house, despite the weather. That’s when I head for one of our favouriteindoor places to play here in Vancouver. These tend to be a bit pricier, so I try to save them for special occasions or playdates. These range from indoor playgrounds at kid-friendly cafes around town, to bigger play areas with bumper cars and rides for the kids to enjoy as well.
Mom’s Group
One reason that I love our bi-weekly mom’s group is that it’s held in the basement of a church. Big open space plus multiple kids equals lots of running and yelling. There are times when we tell them to stop, but most of us are able to sit in a corner with our coffee and talk over the kids. If there isn’t a mom’s group in your area, try to get some other moms together to start one. I recommend talking to your church about hosting it in a hall or classroom.
Just Get Outside
Finally, even when the weather is nasty, sometimes it’s worth just getting outside. There are days when I bundle the girls up in all their raingearand rubber boots, and we venture outside with umbrellas. They have fun stomping in the puddles for half an hour or so. When everyone gets cold, we come inside again. Just be prepared to spend time getting ready and cleaning up as you go outside!
How do you deal with high-energy kids at home when the weather outside is frightful?
Bonnie Way is a homeschool mom with five kids, ages ten to one. She’s a homeschool graduate with two degrees who enjoys hiking, biking, and swimming. Bonnie has been blogging about motherhood, homeschooling, travel and books as the Koala Mom for over twelve years. When she’s not blogging or homeschooling, she enjoys reading and coloring.