What Homeschool Opposition Looks Like Through Your Child’s Eyes

When you were blessed with a good childhood, as I was, things have a way of looking bright and cheery, in retrospect, that may have been challenging from my parents’ perspective. But there is one vault of memories we all remember the same: the opposition they faced in their decision to homeschool me.
As their firstborn, I remember well those who thought my parents were defrauding their children of education at its finest by not placing them under the tutelage of professionals. There was a particular group of individuals in our church that I recall being especially hostile to my parents’ choice, an opposition they faced every Sunday for years. It isn’t so much certain words or actions I remember (which I now count a grace of God), but more of a critical spirit toward my parents and their home education choice.
Let’s face it: anytime there is a choice made for the sake of our children’s souls, there will be opposition. Though homeschooling is more popular now than it was 20 years ago, there will never be a time when the resolution to bring our children up in the ways of the Lord will not cost tremendous sacrifice. But in the day-to-day grind, I know parents have their doubts. While Aunt Francs’ frown may cause angst, the greatest fear of all is the future frowns from another set of individuals: their own children. After all, if relatives, friends, and co-workers think you are educationally sabotaging your children, why wouldn’t they, as well?
But as a happily-adjusted homeschool graduate, who looks back on her childhood with thankfulness, can I introduce an alternative thought? What if, someday, your children look back on the misunderstanding or critical comments you faced as proof of your trust in the Lord? What if they, through watching you bear misunderstanding, learn how to also graciously endure critics of their future choices? What if, through their eyes, those moments of misunderstanding become sealed in their hearts as the nobility of standing strong?
Of course, the paradox of this is that it will only happen if your own spirit is full of grace toward your opposition. Fighting fire with fire doesn’t work when a critical spirit is the flame source; it will only leave you and your children as burn victims. The word of God instructs us to “not return railing for railing, or evil for evil.” This includes not only how you respond to the railer, to their face, but – and perhaps most importantly – how you speak of them when your family’s ears are the only ears who hear it. If my parents had held a vindictive spirit toward those who misunderstood them, their bitterness would have leached into my own soul like poison. Bitter roots produce bitter faces, while healing herbs produce sweet spirits. Trust in the Lord, keep His way, and let His word define whether you are a successful parent or not. And let Him take care of how your children see homeschool opposition.
Kenzi Knapp is a follower of Christ, homeschool graduate and student of history. A fourth generation Missourian she enjoys writing about daily life enrolled in Gods great course of faith and His story throughout the ages at her blog, Honey Rock Hills.