First, we are excited to announce the release of the trailer from the new movie A Matter of Faith directedbyRich Christiano.
This film is scheduled to release to theaters starting Sept. 26, but this movie will ONLY come to areas where there are local sponsorship teams and groups. We want to build teams across the country in an effort to make an impact for Christ and the truth. We need your help and ask that you pray about being involved in bringing this message to your local community. Plus, we will be sharing the revenue with local teams. Yep, you read that correct, we are sharing the revenue with everyone who joins the team as a way of saying thank you.
Why this film is important:
1. Evolution is taught in our schools and universities across this great land of ours as a matter of fact. This should bother every church leader and every Christian. We want every young person, college student and parent to see this so they know what is going on.
2. Six Words. There is one scene in this movie where only 6 words are spoken, and they could be the six most powerful and important words a person can say!! You’ll know which scene this is when you see it.
3. The mission field is in the church. We believe, and if you ask most pastors, they will agree, that there is a large mission field in most churches. People who are intellectual believers in Jesus but have never received Jesus! Big Difference! This film is going to speak to this group in a very loving way and we are trusting the Spirit of God to reach people with it.
4. The last 25 minutes. We believe the last 25 minutes of this film is going to have some compelling truth and will have everyone’s attention and present the gospel with power and heart. This movie builds to a big finish but also does not personally come at anyone. No one is going to feel manipulated here so this can be a great discussion starter film to show to a non-believer.
5. Every church can do something. Large or small, any Bible believing church should get behind this film and can do something. 50 tickets. 100 tickets. Something. Since God’s people flock to theaters each week anyways watching films that go against the LORD, have them support one that exalts the LORD.
6. Let’s not pass this off to someone else. We need your support and help. Let’s play offense! Let’s share the truth, since we know it’s the Truth that can set people free.
For more information about how you can bring this movie to your area, just reply to this email with your contact information (please include phone number) and we will call you first and then send you follow up information. There are already over 200 interested groups in the US and Canada. We would love to open this movie in over 500 theaters. Please consider working with us to bring this movie to your area for the cause of Christ. You will be part of a film that will be the only one of it’s kind when it’s released in theaters.
Click here to watch the trailer!
Sincere thanks for your interest and support,