Kids & Christianity

Parents know that nothing is more important than building a solid foundation of faith in our children. From this foundation, they can stand strong, they can build with the right tools and elements, and they can invite in those things that will continue to build them up and strengthen them. has courses that will help you, the parent, to build that foundation and place the blocks securely as your kids become teenagers. Bible Stories for Kids is a series of twenty-three videos for elementary students. From the stories of Noah, Abraham, and Joseph to the life of Jesus and the adventures of the Apostle Paul, these Bible story videos are an excellent way to introduce younger elementary children to many of the key stories of the Bible. Printable worksheets are included to further the students’ learning and help place the truths of Scripture deep into their hearts.
Foundations for Teens includes forty-three videos to help high school students look at the claims of Christ and the impact that accepting or rejecting them has on their lives and the world; prayer, apologetics, amazing grace, courage, identity, surrender, doctrine, resurrection, suffering, and more; with printable worksheets. History of Christianity is another high school course that takes a look at the Christian faith beginning with its Jewish roots and then studying its influence in shaping Western civilization. History of Christianity traces the people, places, and events that have greatly impacted Christian history and the world. This video-based course includes 50+ episodes, as well as printable worksheets for the students to check their understanding.
Let’s not forget about mom. Homeschooling That’s Relational can help to strengthen mom’s faith as she continues the homeschooling journey. Through the challenging days, mom can refresh and reflect on what’s important—loving family, loving learning, and loving God—through inspiring articles from Diana Waring.
Tammie Bairen
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine