Learn About Plants and Enjoy Them

Summer is a wonderful time to learn about plants since the trees are full of leaves, vegetables are growing, fruit trees are producing, and flowers are in bloom. One of the newest classes on SchoolhouseTeachers.com is Botany with Julie Polanco. Ms. Polanco will be reviewing the definition of botany and helping students to understand why we study plants. She will also talk about why plants need soil and the different minerals that are in the soil. And, of course, there will be fun experiments so that students can gain a greater understanding of this field of science and the world around them. Another way you can enjoy plants is to eat them! Join Lisa Barthuly in her Homesteading course as she teaches the basics of water bath canning in “Canning 101” and provides instructions throughout the month for canning cherries and green beans and making jam.
Tammie Bairen
The Old Schoolhouse’s® SchoolhouseTeachers.com
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