Learn Something New Every Day

In the Dailies section of SchoolhouseTeachers.com, you can find different types of lessons every day from grammar to math to unit studies. Everyday Copywork has just finished copying the Beatitudes. Please be sure to check it out, if you missed it. New verses and excerpts will be available throughout the month for your child to use to practice his writing skills. Everyday Epistles is a class that was created by Stacy Farrell of Home School Adventure Co. to help you and your family memorize the book of Philippians in 28 weeks. This class will only be available on the site through July 12, 2014, so be sure to print or download all of the materials before then. Some of the other subjects we have in our Dailies section are Spelling (for all grades), Joy in the Morning (encouragement for moms from the Word), Everyday Explorers, and Everyday Easels (artwork as seen through a variety of school subjects). All previous lessons are available, so you can continue learning and receiving encouragement all summer long.
Tammie Bairen
The Old Schoolhouse’s® SchoolhouseTeachers.com
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC
Living Life As It Unfolds