Make a Joyful Noise

Music doesn’t always have to sound good to be joyful, but wouldn’t it be great if it sound good, too? Join Michelle Martin for part II of her Music Theory course and learn about the elements of music, markings within music, notes and rests, the major scale, intervals, and more. An outline for the next few months is available. While your students are being taught theory, they can choose an instrument—guitar, violin, or voice—to learn how to play/use. While each of these courses is complete, the lessons can still be accessed. Jerry Jennings has presented Guitar Lessons for the beginner. Nancy Blue’s Violin class has videos and 33 lessons for the beginner. Joy Sikorski has shared her experience with us in her year-long Music-Voice class which is located under the Family/For Parents tab.
Tammie Bairen
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC
Living Life As It Unfolds