Make Mommy Time a Priority

Over the past few months, I have been reading books about various subjects, but each has had the main theme of discipline, both spiritually and naturally. As a professional housewife and mother, I have made it my mission each day to take care of my family. Every moment is filled with so much care, concern, love, and pure joy. In making sure that they have everything that they need, I have truly found my happy place; however, I must admit that I have neglected to care properly for myself. Honestly, I feel guilty for actually speaking about this. Keep in mind that this is not a contentment issue, because I enjoy being home and taking care of my family. This is purely a self-care and maintenance problem that can easily be resolved.
While going over some recent book notes, I could hear my father, a Human Resources Director, say that “the practice becomes the policy.” This meant that constantly neglecting exercise, quiet time, and even Bible study, had become an ever present issue in my life. After a while, without self-care, I began to feel overwhelmed and, when that’s happening in my life, it is a sign that I need to take a step back and evaluate. After a quick inspection, I realized that I was missing out on my daily mommy time. When my day didn’t start and end with Bible time, those 24 hours weren’t truly grounded. Once I implemented daily study time again, I also found ways to incorporate some additional mommy time moments throughout the week. I keep this essentials list short, simple, and low cost, so I never miss an opportunity to love on myself like I do my beautiful family.
Mommy Time Essentials
1. A hot bath with scented candles allows you to soak, relax, and smell something savory. Whether you have 15 minutes or an hour, taking an old-school bath is worth it.
2. Reading a good book, and applying a face mask, have come to be my favorites on Friday afternoons. Even if I’m reading in the same room with my children, the face mask means I’m at the library in my home spa. Peel masks, mud masks, and sheet masks are readily available at most grocery stores. You can also make your own with a few kitchen ingredients.
3. Exercise and great music have a tendency to lift my mood like nothing else. There is nothing like spending time with God while going on a prayer walk through your neighborhood. Weight lifting via Fitness Blender’s free YouTube workouts is one of my favorite things. I still can’t open a jar of pickles, but I feel stronger.
4. Institute a zero social media policy for yourself during certain times of the day. I even take a few weeks off all my social media from time to time. The quiet is so peaceful and I enjoy it so much.
These are just a few of my quick favorites that I enjoy weekly. Now my husband will remind me if I haven’t exercised or had my bubble bath in a few days. He loves me and wants me to have moments of rest. The children have even made it a point to always ask if I am going to have reading time, because they enjoy doing it, too. Overall, if you make Mommy Time a priority, others will, too.
Ta’Neisha Kemp – I’m a proud wife that spontaneously serenades her husband in public. I’m a cool mom that has dance battles with her children. I’m the keep it real friend that doesn’t tell your business. I’m also the lady that cries actual tears while watching romantic comedies and reading books. If you’re a homeschool teacher that enjoys a quick “I totally understand” moment in between subjects and chores, then we just became best friends. I’m a proud believer, living a balanced life where taking care of my family is my ministry! Blog: Marriage, Motherhood, and Makeup