My Notice of Intent is Approved, Now What?

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notice of intent


Welcome to the club! I am sure emotions have overcome you. Fear and utter shock probably being the most prevalent emotions. Having the weight of your child’s education completely on you is terrifying.

You may think, “What if I can’t teach my child?” “They will never listen to me.” “I am not a teacher.” Those thoughts are valid reasons to question your ability to homeschool. Maybe you have relatives that doubt your competence and cause you to feel hopeless and stressed at having a successful year. 

All you know is there’s a pandemic, and you feel safer with your children home. You didn’t plan this route; it was thrown at you.  How can you resemble a normal classroom setting at home? Will your children learn anything? And what about everything they can’t do this year? Housework, toddlers, schoolwork, working from home, and you name it might have you bogged down.

Take a deep breath and let’s chat, friend with friend. Grab a cup of coffee and wipe the self-doubts away because you CAN do this. Homeschool does NOT have to resemble a classroom setting. Schoolrooms are beneficial and super cute, but your children can school on the couch, floor, or even hanging upside down. (If you have boys, you’ll understand where I’m coming from.) You don’t have to have the biggest space or expensive material to make the year a success. Your children need you, and they need a safe routine where they can thrive.  

The beautiful thing about homeschool is how unique each one is. Our goal isn’t to copy our friend’s homeschool. Our goal should be catering to our children’s needs and picking what works for them. If you buy an expensive curriculum but it causes more tears and fights than anything, put it away. (That was painful to say.) Your image isn’t defined by how well your children do. It’s not a competition. We do not compete with other children so don’t feel bad if your six-year-old can’t read chapter books but your friend’s kid can. Everyone learns at their own pace. Tailor the curriculum to meet their needs instead of just following it exactly how it’s written. You are the teacher; don’t feel ashamed to teach or take a break.

I’ll tell you a little secret; it’s ok if you feel like a failure one day and a champ the next. There will be wonderful days, and some days you won’t get past the first subject. Give yourself some grace. You are molding lives, not just grading papers.

Schedules are great, but if they don’t work, throw them away. Do what works for YOUR FAMILY. Toss the stress and the chaos of homeschool out the door. No one can teach your children like you can. Besides, your love runs deeper than anything. That love will carry you through.

Keep the tissue on hand; you will need it. Especially when your little boy learns to read or write, and you played a part in it. Let the mommy pride run free. Remember, you got this.


I am a stay-at-home mom who loves God, and couldn’t thank Him enough for His blessings. I have a great husband and five little ones. I have one girl and four boys, ages, 7, 5, 3, 2, and 5 weeks old. We spend our days homeschooling and trying to stay on top of the household duties. I enjoy baking with my children. And playing the piano whenever I get a free moment.

My blog is called: Called to be a Christian Mommy.


notice of intent

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).