Part 1: Why Architecture?

Right after using my life to serve our Heavenly Father and my family, Architecture and Art are my passions. Playing artist or architect gives one a glimpse of the heart of our Creator. He created our bodies with multiple systems which work together to form each highly developed but unique person, animal or plant; similar to the layers of artistic and architectural design. One can only step back with awe as to His creative process! His example is excellent; our inspiration comes from above!
Short Story:
Although no one could stop me from playing “school teacher” as a child, I graduated high school with the intent to be a doctor. Freshman year after biology class, I helped a friend of mine with an architectural project. At the time, I didn’t even know architecture was a field of study. Floored I asked, “You mean you can get paid to spend your days creating, coloring and drawing?”
That weekend, I found my niche. For me, hands down, creating was far more fun than memorizing chemical equations. I changed majors from pre-med to architecture by the end of the quarter. Parents, have patience with those vocational calls because you never know when the “click” will happen. With prayer and patience, it will; your children will find their God-given vocations.
After graduating with a B.S. in Architecture and a few years at a seminary studying theology and church architecture, Our Creator changed my focus again, to the vocation of wife and homeschooling mom. Along the way, I was given nine little architectural projects, ten if you count my husband; each one with multiple layers, constant changing, new studies, a purpose for learning, a place for my creativity and a huge amount of fun! Hmm, now that I think about it, over the years I even become a health coach. Ironic, I landed the best of both worlds for me.
What is exciting to me about the field of architecture?
• Architects are always learning something new. For every new challenge or client, there is something more to know.
• Architecture is always changing. It is like a game of “Telephone.” Creating space begins with one comment and ends, if it ends, more often than not, with an entirely different response.
• There is the joy of having faith — not knowing where the project will take you, but trusting — that it will turn out to be the best it can be.
• The result of an artistic commitment is typically something tangible. A model, drawing, sculpture or sometimes a large three-dimensional space or building.
• Creating keeps my brain busy with multiple layers and puzzles to solve.
• Architecture is challenging, playful, inventive, fun and rewarding!
To transform space like Our Creator, to give that space the free will to take a different direction than one’s original intention, to continue working with it and to keep being involved to the core, with love for the creation, is the example Our Heavenly Father gives. Artistic and architectural gifts are blessings that enable one to share the joy of creating on a very human level.
Everyone has a talent and vocational calling. If you have a creative student, I encourage you to give them freedom from what is expected, to explore their art and share the joy of it with others.
In case you don’t know me, my name is Mrs. G.. I founded Building Brilliant Minds Online in 2009. I have authored several courses in Architecture, Biblical Fine Arts, Photography and Dance. My beginning courses may also be accessed for FREE with a membership.