
At the Southern Baptist Convention, our homeschool booth was flooded with pastors eager to find solutions for families in their churches. These leaders recognized parents' legitimate concerns about secular public education, worldly discipleship... and their children's hearts.

Many Christian families are anxious about the increasingly unbiblical agendas in schools and seek faith-aligned alternatives. Pastors and church leaders ponder solutions to the problem. Still, the task seems daunting if they don't know about home education or how to start a church co-op for church-member families and the immediate surrounding community through outreach.

The Pastor Plan Initiative (PPI) aims to help churches provide a place to land for these families.

The PPI's mission is to establish Biblically-based homeschool communities within churches. These communities facilitate a faith-filled, academically rigorous K-12 educational experience and offer discipleship opportunities Christian parents need as they exit their children from the public school system.

The enthusiastic response from pastors at the SBC convention highlighted the need for these co-ops, which provide that vital "landing place" for Christian families nationwide and globally. The local church is the solution to the public school problem, and a homeschool co-op becomes a dedicated ministry under its leadership.

Our primary goal is to help pastors create educational spaces rooted in Biblical discipleship, distinct from secular public school models. We equip churches with a turnkey program to establish homeschool co-ops, ready to start with the incoming semester.

Another critical aspect of PPI's mission is engaging older adults and senior church members in meaningful roles within the co-op. Affectionately known as "gray hairs," these individuals bring valuable skills and experiences, serving as mentors and educators. Their involvement enriches the lives of children and parents, providing seniors with a sense of purpose and spiritual fulfillment.

Your donation will enable us to:

  • Fund travel for speaking engagements and training sessions with church leaders, pastors, and seniors.
  • Establish turnkey homeschool co-ops for the next school semester.
  • Provide curriculum and scholarships for families in need.
  • Make available complimentary homeschooling materials for pastor and missionary families.
  • Train seniors for mentoring and teaching roles.
  • Conduct research and outreach to recruit new churches.
  • Offer ongoing support and training for established Schoolhouses.

As a nonprofit organization, we rely on the generous support of individuals and organizations who share our vision. Your tax-deductible donation will help us continue this vital work, advancing Christian education as a core mission of the local church.

Please consider supporting The Pastor Plan Initiative (PPI) with a donation.

Contributions can be sent to:
The Pastor Plan Initiative (PPI)
POB 8426
Gray, TN 37615
EIN: 99-3163582

Thank you for your partnership in this vital work. We believe the Lord is in it and are grateful for your support.

Warm regards,

Your friends at The Pastor Plan Initiative

