Planning to Succeed

With the right tools, our children can succeed, no matter their age. Starting a Micro Business for Teens with Carol Topp is designed to help teenagers learn about the world of micro businesses—what they are and what they can learn from starting one. Students will learn how to achieve a vision for a business by using their talents and skills and narrow their idea into something that is possible for a micro business. They will learn about developing a business plan, including marketing and financial needs. Eight weeks’ worth of printable lessons that include detailed questions guide students through formulating and narrowing an idea for a business and the creation of a business plan. Once your teen comes up with an idea and has a beginning understanding of a business plan, he/she can take Business Plan Creation with David Kimball. David will spend eight weeks assisting young entrepreneurs in creating thorough, accurate, and complete business plans. This is an in-depth course designed to be taken at the student’s own pace. Printable and video instructions are included, as well as a number of supplemental resources. Watch your child flourish as he/she uses the tools for success.
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC