Episode 78: Organizing Chaos: Help with the Clutter

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Episode 78: Organizing Chaos: Help with the Clutter
Episode 78: Organizing Chaos: Help with the Clutter

Organizing chaos is possible when we realize we can work towards progress in our homes and homeschools. Join Deborah Wuehler as she shares personal stories and insights on how she organized her home and homeschool in Episode 78. Find the show notes for “Organizing Chaos: Help with the Clutter” on HomeschoolShow.com.


Connect with God’s Word

  • If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. (James 1:5) 
  • Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. (Luke 6:28) 
  • Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. (Matthew 5:38–39)
  • And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. (Matthew 5:40) 
  • So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. (Psalm 90:12)
  • “And their nobles shall be of themselves, and their governor shall proceed from the midst of them; and I will cause him to draw near, and he shall approach unto me: for who is this that engaged his heart to approach unto me?” saith the Lord. (Jeremiah 30:21)

Connect with The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine

For more on organizing your home and homeschool, click on the links to these recent articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine:

“It’s up to you and the Lord what you want to do with your curriculum.” —Deborah Wuehler

Connect with SchoolhouseTeachers.com

Whether you are looking for a course to help you in organizing chaos or you just need a few calendars to help you track your days, SchoolhouseTeachers.com offers various tools and resources.

Everyday Organization

Everyday Organization shares home organization tips to help homeschool parents streamline the day! Take the daily challenge and implement a tip every day for 116 days—or print the list of home organization tips and select them as desired.
Planners and planning tools are also available for homes and homeschools!

My School Year

Connect with My School Year

Are you ready to get organized? Use My School Year and take control of your record keeping, lesson planning, and reporting needs including transcripts. Visit MySchoolYear.com and use promo code PODCAST24.

Connect with The Homeschool Minute

Spend a minute with your friends from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine!

The Homeschool Minute is a weekly eNewsletter for anyone homeschooling or considering starting. It’s brief yet packed with a powerful dose of encouragement to keep you going strong in your commitment to your family and to the Lord. Subscribe to the free homeschool newsletter.

Connect with Topics and Resources Mentioned in the Podcast

“We can work towards progress rather than perfection.” —Deborah Wuehler

Connect with Upcoming Episodes

New episodes of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show are released every Monday. Check back right here for show notes and links at HomeschoolShow.com. Here’s what you can look forward to next:  

  • 7/29/24: Episode 79—“Finding Mentors and Creating Support Groups” hosted by Deborah Wuehler of The Old Schoolhouse® with Yvonne Strachan of Inspirational Homeschooling
  • 8/5/24: Episode 80—“Homeschool Planning: Simplifying the Schedule” hosted by Deborah Wuehler of The Old Schoolhouse®
  • 8/12/24: Episode 81—“Benefits of Test Taking in High School” hosted by Stephanie Morrison The Old Schoolhouse®

Questions or comments on the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show podcast? We’d love to hear from you at HomeschoolShow@TheOldSchoolhouse.com.

Recent Show Notes

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Episode 88: Second Generation Homeschooling
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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).