The “Power” of Walking

We’ve all heard of power walking and have seen “power walkers”, but what about the “power” of walking? We can learn a lot from Madeline’s teachers who had the girls out walking rain or shine. We have been on vacation for a week now with one week to go. Throughout our vacation, we have walked and walked and walked. New sights, sounds, experiences… everything has been amazing, eye opening and exciting. Yet, I am beginning to miss my “power” walks.
Over the years, we have spent hours and hours walking with our children literally and figuratively. We have learned that a regular family walk is beneficial for multiple reasons.
• A consistent walk on a known path gives even young children a sense of accomplishment and parents a simple way to encourage them along. “You can do it!” … “You did it!”
• A walk gives children a safe place to explore and to test the boundaries.
• A walk burns off excess energy.
• Walking gives everyone that “happy hormone” oxytocin and rids parent or child of unpleasant moods.
• Walking with kids gives them a time to talk and a time to listen in a non-distractive environment.
• When we walk as a family, now with older kids, typically the kids are enjoying the air, the sights or the sounds as they explore with a bit more independence while mom and dad have some non-distracting time to talk.
We are called to walk with our children as we guide them through life. Physical walking together, “power” walking is more than just walking fast, but provides an open space for open communication. Sometimes it is just easier to help a teen open up when you are working on a “goal” – a designated walk – together. Sometimes it takes those quiet moments in the miles that helps bring out their vulnerability to communicate. The same could be said for our relationship with Christ.
A “power” walk with Our Lord, focused time to communicate in the silence of our hearts as we master a hill or in the joy of our steps as we worship Him through the music on our iPods can provide the strength we need to be the super moms that we are called to be. While we take care of our bodies, we fuel our happy hormones and most importantly we remind ourselves that we are called to walk each day with our Lord. “Oh Master let me walk with You.” I find that walking allows the Holy Spirit the non-distracted time necessary to reach my heart. Praying while moving, walking with our Best Friend, our husbands, our teens and even our youngest provides lifelong benefits on multiple levels. For the health of your relationships, mind, soul and body, think about making “power walks” an important part of your days.
Mrs, G.
In case you don’t know me, my name is Mrs. G.. I founded Building Brilliant Minds Online in 2009. I have authored several courses in Architecture, Biblical Fine Arts, Photography and Dance. My beginning courses may also be accessed for FREE with a membership.