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The Slaves' Champion: The Life, Deeds, and Historical Days of William Wilberforce Review by Amy Christy

Henry Wheeler
New Leaf Press
PO Box 726
Green Forest, AR 72638

"O spread thy reign, fair peace,
From shore to shore,
Till conquest cease,
And slavery be no more."

The Slaves' Champion is the fascinating biography of British abolitionist William Wilberforce. Published in 1861, after his death, this lovely book contains a thorough look at his family life and Christian faith, as well as reflections from his friends and his own writings. This hero for humanity not only impacted British society but inspired American abolitionists to end slavery as well. I would recommend this book for high school level, as it is set in Wilberforce's time and may be difficult reading for younger students. For those who desire an in-depth study of William Wilberforce's life, faith, and 20-year fight for freedom, this book is a must.

Product review by Amy Christy, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, December 2007