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That's Where God Is! Review by Maggi Beardsley
By Dan & Ali MorrowDavid Cook
4050 Lee Vance View
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
That's Where God Is! is a hardback picture book meant for children ages 4 to 8 years old.
It opens with a sketch of a little boy sitting on the arm of his grandfather's chair asking him where God is. The little boy then travels through his week looking for God. Sometimes after the boy describes how he saw God, there is a Bible verse written on the page. When he visits his grandfather again, the grandfather explains how God can also live in a person's heart. Grandpa suggests a prayer that the little boy can pray to ask Jesus into his heart. The last page has an afterword from author Ali Morrow's dad, Lee Strobel. This is a nice "extra" for Lee Strobel fans.
That's Where God Is! is a good book to use with primary students to begin the dialogue about the presence of God. It doesn't fit into any particular school subject except maybe Bible. My middle school child found the story too simplistic. I used the afterword by Mr. Strobel to talk to my daughter about the blessings of having generations of Christians in a family. The book also allowed us to talk about the relationship between a grandparent and a grandchild.
That's Where God Is! is a lovely picture book to explain how a child enters the family of God.
Product review by Maggi Beardsley, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, November 201
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