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Summit 2: God's Word Review by Katherine Bartlett
Discipleship GuidebookBCM International Canada, Inc.
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As I look around and talk to more kids these days, it's becoming more and more evident that most don't follow a godly lifestyle. It scares me to see what my daughter's generation will become of once ours has passed. I believe that it's very important to teach children discipleship from an early age, so it will stick with them all through life. So that's why Summit 2: God's Word from BCM International Canada, Inc. has become a part of our home-school.
Summit 2: God's Word is a hardcover book that also includes bonus material that can be accessed online. Inside the book, there are twelve trails that are almost like chapters. Inside each trail, there are lessons that will teach you about Bible Knowledge, Christian Character, Faithful Conduct, and Project Awards.
As you go through the twelve trails, you will earn Trail Marker Awards, Bible Verse Awards and Achievement Awards. The Achievement Awards are earned through completing projects and activities that can be found on the Summit 2 website link in the book.
You will also have a Bible Memory Plan that is included in each trail lesson. Each time you finish three trails, you will learn twelve verses and a star medal.
Using the Summit 2: God's Word guidebook is easy. Normally each lesson will take about twenty to thirty minutes to work through one trail each week. At the end of each trail segment, you will learn the summary of what you learned, a helpful prayer to God, the memory verses to learn, and the family time activity or project.
Part of the activities in the guidebook also include decoding using maritime signal flags. The decoder is on the inside back cover of the book.
You can purchase the hardcover guidebook for $20.50 on the website.
We used the guidebook in our fourth grade home-school. I think this guidebook is best suited for elementary age students up to sixth grade. We actually used this product daily alongside our regular Bible curriculum. Inside the twelve trails there are four lessons for every trail for a total of forty-eight lessons. We have been doing one lesson per day, but you can also do one lesson per week for a slower pace. The guidebook can be easily modified for home-school use.
We also accessed the Achievement Awards on the linked website found in the book to get printables as well which include field trip ideas, community helping and even recreation.
My daughter really is enjoying Summit 2: God's Word and she is learning about the Bible and discipleship a lot easier. After just the first lesson, she was able to apply it to a life situation the next day which was a huge plus for me. I personally love that it is told with a Jewish point of view as well since we are Messianic Jews. Plus, they make the lessons very fun for kids with activities like crosswords and drawing.
The format of the guidebook also flowed easily as well. It required no planning on my part other than printing the printables from the linked site in the book. I plan on finishing the book this year in our home-school and possibly continuing to the next book in the series.
-Product review by Katherine Bartlett, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, January, 2018
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