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Zoom In, Zoom Out Review by Jennifer King
Amy LeaskRed T Media
I just love books! I especially love books that have puzzles in them. Whether for my little ones, or my big ones, it is always fun to enjoy a book together and this one is definitely one that we had a great time with. Over and over and over again. 🙂
I was instantly in love with it because, it sounds silly, but it has a pineapple on it. And I love pineapple.
Anyway, my oldest son has been taking a digital photography class this summer and so he is learning all about the value and power of zooming in and zooming out.
Now this is a book that is definitely meant for younger children. My girls who are three and six love this book. My boys, who are eight and twelve, also enjoyed it but on a different level. Their microscope no longer works so this, was that for them, until we can replace it.
Every page is amazingly eye catching. The words on each page are simple too; great for a beginning or struggling reader. As we go from page to page, there are lots of surprises because what we see is not always what we think!
I don’t think we guessed any of these correctly the first time. But we certainly had fun talking about what it might feel like; where might we find whatever this might be?
Some things are definitely tricky to identify. When we see then up close perhaps they are nothing like what we see when we look at the whole thing. What a neat way to consider the world around us too.
There are so many things surrounding us that perhaps we do not really see. The prickles on that cactus or the grains in the wood. Some things we absolutely love and enjoy, like raspberries or chocolate chip cookies, until we see them up close.
I love how this book has inspired and encouraged us to look at things a bit more closely and then really use our brains to see what we can think of what we found!
-Product review by Jennifer King, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, August 2018
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