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Chewigem Pendant Review by Kimberley Linkletter
Chewigem Canada204-792-6878
418 St. Paul Street
St. Adolphe MB R5A 1A8
Does your child have sensory issues? Do they like to chew? Are you frustrated by seeing the fresh T-shirt they just put on, sagging and damp at the neckband from them twisting it in their teeth? I’ve recently reviewed the following products from Chewigem Canada that might be just the thing to help with just this issue; the Skull Pendant, Tread Bangle, and a set of Chubes.
Each of these affordable items provides a discreet chewing opportunity for children, teens, and adults. Ranging in price from $19 to $24, this silicone “chewelry” is a safe way for kids to use chewing to relieve anxiety and reduce stress. They are available at select Canadian retailers or can be shipped to Canadian addresses through their website.
The Skull Pendant is worn on a cord around your neck, either inside or outside of your shirt. They come in a variety of attractive colors and designs to give your kids several options. While the pendants on their cord are suitable for older kids, the Tread Bangle is safe for all ages, including your littles under three. It is like a bangle bracelet with a tread pattern around the outside so it works well as a fidget tool as well. The Chubes come in sets of four. They can be threaded onto a cord for wearing or even onto the ties of a hoody.
Chewigem products are made from medical grade silicone and guaranteed free from latex, lead, PVC, BHA, and phthalates. This makes them safe for your entire family. Since our family lives with several allergies, this was a huge positive for me.
As soon as our package arrived, the boys wanted to get into it and try their new “toys” out. Since the Tread Bangle is safe for children under three, we let the 18-month-old give it a try. He was eager to loop it on his wrist and then his ankle before rubbing it on his gums. He happily claimed it for his own and continues to chew and play with it.
Our eldest boy noticed a bit of an odor and taste when he first tried out his pendant but a rinse in the sink quickly took care of this. He also said he would have liked it to be a bit softer but then said he might be afraid of breaking it if it was. He got used to it once he started wearing it and getting used to using it. ‘
The Chubes were chosen by our adult daughter who still likes to chew on her hoody strings. Stringing a Chube on each end of her ties both added color to her sweatshirt and gave her something to fidget with and chew when she felt the need.
I appreciated how using the Chewigem Pendant helped keep our 11-year-old from chewing on the neck of his shirts so often. Having an alternate way to let out his stress was terrific. Even while visiting a busy theme park, he was able to feel more calm in the crowds and while waiting in lines. And after using it for about six weeks he is getting used to having it on and finds himself reaching for it to fidget and play with the bumps on the backside (this is an added bonus).
Chewigem products are certainly positive options for children (and adults) who find chewing helpful in keeping them balanced and calm as they go about their day.
-Product review by Kimberley Linkletter, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, November, 2018
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