Curiosity Files: The Series

(1 customer review)


The Curiosity Files are packed with zany information for the young & old at heart. Purchase the entire set of Curiosity Files & have a great time discovering our wacky  wonderful world! Order this amazingly curious series today! This set is available via download only.


1 review for Curiosity Files: The Series

  1. apriljdurham

    This is the absolute best thing ever! I was absolutely amazed by these unit studies. My kids are in love and cannot wait to do the next one. These make a great “fun day” and include every subject imaginable for a complete school day, including reading, reading comprehension questions, Bible study and discussion, vocabulary, history, science, math, geography, and even fun activities and projects. I would recommend these to any homeschooling family. They work great for my upper elementary students, but would even work well for middle school students as well as 2nd to 3rd grade (possibly younger). There is a wonderful section for adapted lessons for special needs students, and, to be quite honest, they’ve just thought of everything when it comes to these files. If you have any doubts, this collection is well worth the cost. Love it!

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