WeE-Book™ Bundle


This is a wonderful assortment of 10 WeE-Books™ available in one package! Check them out! You’ll experience everything from history to science and geography, and even topics on the Civil War, light, submarines, writing, and preschool.


This is a wonderful assortment of 10 WeE-Books™ available in one package! Check them out! You’ll experience everything from history to science and geography, and even topics on writing and preschool.

Civil War History and Controversy: An Interview with Chandra Manning

What was the Civil War all about? Do you know about the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850? Have you ever tried to unravel all the aspects of the Civil War? Gain new insight and perspective.

Light, Color, Optics

What do you know about thermal imaging? Can understanding light help in search & rescue? Learn how to apply what you know about light to what you know about God – how we see it, how we don’t see it, and how it relates to the entire world around us.

Missionary Geography

Who was William Carey and how can he help you study geography? What do missionaries have to do with the study of geography? How does geography affect the life of a missionary? Learn this and so much more when you read this WeE-book™.

The Submarine: A Legend Before Its Time

Did you know there were there submarines during theCivil War? Do you know who built the first submarine used in war? What is the real story of the CSS Captain Pierce?

Helping the Reluctant Writer

Would you like to see your kids jump to their pens and paper? Enthusiastic kids whom you have to pull away from their writing? Gain new insight into practical ways to nullify the problems and produce kids who enjoy writing.

Military Geography

How can you teach geography while learning about military operations? Make the study of geography more interesting through the eyes of a soldier with the natural connection between military activity and geography in this WeE-book™.

He Leadeth Me

What is faith? When did you first begin to learn about faith? Are you pleasing God with your faith? Two simple stories, two significant milestones, will encourage your ongoing journey of faith in this WeE-Book™ . . .He Leadeth Me By Donna Rees.

Homeschooling with Young Children

Running out of creative ideas for teaching your preschool and early elementary children? What is the rocking chair method? Could you learn from a seasoned “pro” who has NINE children? Make the best of your children’s early years!

Homeschooling: a Prayerful Journey

Do you sometimes forget that with prayer we can be at peace during stressful times, and that we can walk through it all in victory? Discover the many facets of prayer and reinvigorate your prayer life as you read the WeE-book™.

Slither, Scamper, Crawl and Climb

Have YOU ever seen a vinegarroon? Are you a bug “squasher” or a bug “watcher”? In this WeE-book™, you will see how a family who, instead of only reading about “crawly creatures”, takes an intimate look into their world.


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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).