I “Quit” School!

Last week we quit. Everything. All of our clubs and co-op’s. We just quit. You must think I am crazy. I think I am …Just a bit, if I can be honest. I mulled over it quite a bit. I asked my husband what I should do… He was very supportive of whatever I chose. Clearly, I had to decide.
Our little house is in a bit of a disorder because we have been running. Every day. Every night. There is always somewhere we must be. And maybe I have commitment Issues? I don’t like having to “be” anywhere.
I am so grateful that we are able to learn at home.
There is no doubt in my mind that our children learn best when they can own their education. They learn more, they enjoy more when it matters to them.
So why should we continue going to speech and debate, to the nature club, to the gym and language learning classes and music classes and theater training and Bible quizzing.
Our jar is full. In fact, it is overflowing and that isn’t a good thing.
I am one of those mommas who wants to ensure that my kids have the opportunity to experience it all. Unfortunately, this need to do it all and go causes my children to have a momma who is running on empty.
Can you smell the fumes?
I have realized recently that we don’t have to do it all.
In fact, much of what we want to do, we really don’t need to do. And it makes a big difference being able to tell the difference.
There is a joy that comes from being at home. Keeping the home, learning at home. Knowing what is out there and then enjoying those things as we feel led. No pressure.
We can enjoy nature hikes and exploring the great outdoors even more when we are there because we want to and not because we feel like we have to.
While I was nervous, so unsure of what I was doing as I wrote those emails and made those phone calls, making my family’s exit from so many things, our first week at home was a relief.
The kids still fought, there was some restlessness on their part as we tried this new thing (did you know this is called unschooling?). I am learning all about it – it’s quite an adventure too!
A week later? It’s going quite well. Momma still has moments where she needs to remember to be still and trust God. But the children are growing and learning together. In their own way.
We are enjoying some good books; we have made some new friends who are of like mind. It’s amazing the conversations you have with people you don’t know when they hear that you are quitting “school”.
I write this to say, do not feel as though you need to do it all. Life is meant to be an adventure. It is full of things that are new and exciting; children are curious and eager to explore. If they aren’t we need to get them into a place where those things come alive within them once again.
Relax momma. Be at peace and enjoy those moments with your children. Because they won’t last forever. And God knows the beautiful end that is to come.
My name is Jennifer and I am so glad you’ve come by. I am a child of the King, a work in progress seeking to share and show His love and light in all that I do. I am a homeschool mother of four wonderful, sweet and very busy children. It’s busy in our home – its loud – kind of messy – and very crazy. But we live and love all we can! I am a wife – learning so very much — as I grow and pray with my wonderful husband. Learning the joys of submission, and being the help meet I was designed to be. Striving to live a life as a meek and gentle spirit. And seeking only to share the hope within me, with everyone who seeks an answer. All that I do, could not be, without my Lord and Savior. Peace Be with You all – In Jesus Name!