Read and Interpret
Kathy Lapan’s five-month Statistics course for upper middle school and high school students is presented through a slide-show format, a bit different than most of the courses on Kathy introduces students to statistics and discusses things like normal distribution, diagrams, charts, standard deviation, slope, demographics, sample size, and more. High school students who complete the final project will receive high school credit for the course. Michelle Miller’s Monthly Reading List contains a wide variety of books based on a particular topic. In October, she provided reading selections for architecture, and she continues this theme through the month of November. The reading list is broken down into various fields, such as botany, zoology, history, etc., and a reading level is provided for each book. There are choices for children of all ages, as well as parents.
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC
Living Life As It Unfolds