Reading and Discovering

Reading can facilitate discovery—travel to faraway lands, learn about different animals, go back in time. If your child struggles to read, join Matthew Glavach for his Reading Lessons. Matthew is dedicated to helping children achieve their best. This month he discusses the difference between analytic and global thinkers and provides helpful resources for each type. If you have beginning readers or young children who enjoy listening to stories, try Beth Gorden’s Sensory Learning for Toddlers. Beth has been going through the alphabet. Her latest in the series is “Z is for Zoo.” Books about gorillas, polar bears, and the zoo are provided, along with worksheets and craft ideas. In keeping with the theme of discovery, follow Erin Dean in her Nature/Outdoors class. She has been talking about bears and ants this month, specifically, their habitats and habits. We live in a wonderful world full of possibilities! Come discover it with us!
Tammie Bairen
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC
Living Life As It Unfolds