Remind Me Again: Why Are We Homeschooling?

We are in this for the long haul; however, periodically over the fifteen years that we have been homeschooling, I have called my husband at work to say, “Remind me again: Why are we homeschooling?” Thankfully he has always been rock solid in his support and encouragement, and each time I have called him with that question he has spent a few minutes gently reminding me why we have chosen this method of educating our children.
We started homeschooling more than fifteen years ago when our oldest son was 4. And now, looking back, we laugh about the beginning of our adventures.
We knew about homeschooling from friends and the thought intrigued us, but we were nervous about jumping into something so unknown—so foreign to us. We started researching and reading articles about homeschooling and along the way learned that there were two homeschooling organizations in our state. Guess what? They had yearly conventions, and we thought, “Just the perfect thing to attend to scope this out.”
Our son was just five months old when we attended our first homeschool convention. I am sure some would question why we would go to a convention with a five-month-old, but we believed that we would have this homeschooling thing figured out by the time he was 4 or 5 and be able either to jump in or know it was not for us.