So Much More!

At first, I thought nothing of putting my children in classes offered outside of the homeschool groups and co-ops. If we found something, they enjoyed and would benefit from, I pursued it.
It wasn’t until almost half way into our first year at a dance studio that someone said, “Oh, you’re homeschooled?” It had not occurred to me to even bring it up. However, it seemed to be a little surprising to others. I wondered why and noticed that many homeschoolers did not attend outside classes.
We benefited greatly from the group, and the other parents did as well. Unexpectedly, I found myself in a neutral position to answer questions. Parents frustrated by policies and agendas in the public school realized I wasn’t subjected to all those things. They also seemed to understand that my choice to homeschool my children did not slant my views on their decisions made for their families.
I became friends with several of the moms, and they knew I believed they had the same rights to choose a direction for their family as I did for mine.
Getting to know each other and participating in a joint activity fostered a more open environment, and I ended up sharing with people in a way I hadn’t anticipated. The other moms felt comfortable enough to ask the questions that made them frustrated or curious.
I think many people have been conditioned to believe they are not capable of providing an adequate education. A fair amount of those I have spoken with don’t even realize they are “allowed” to provide an education for their children “themselves.” They’re scared. Nervousness is understandable, and unfortunately, recurring at times; sort of like a bad dream, but hey, you don’t stop sleeping because of it.
I won’t sugar coat it — homeschooling is demanding and a big responsibility. To that point I will add, having children in the first place is similar – a massive, long-term and often demanding commitment! However, there is a saying, “anything worth having is worth working for.” None of it is easy, but it is absolutely worth it! Laugh a lot, and remember what a priceless blessing they are.
If you feel you don’t agree with public school policies, or how they are teaching your children, consider another option. If you would like to be more hands-on, there are ways to accomplish it. If you want more freedom and flexibility to pursue your family’s unique passions and paths — definitely consider homeschooling.
There are several reasons one would choose homeschooling, and I believe they far outweigh the initial fears! Fear should not hold you back. Check and see if it is legitimate then move forward!
Why does human nature always want to categorize? We are not products; we should not be made to fit into cartons. Let’s be open to what others can share and teach us. Let’s be curious; we will find so much more!
Sonya Payne is a blessed, happy, homeschooling momma of four! Her school theme has always been, “that they learn to love learning!” Sonya is excited to be a part of The Schoolhouse Writers team and is currently pursuing publishing and licensing. She is passionate about art and writing which has been passed onto her children. When not writing and creating art she loves ranching and exploring nature with her family in their mountain home.