Read The Old Schoolhouse – FREE
Read The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine for FREE via our quarterly, interactive-digital magazine at your computer OR download the FREE apps for Apple, Android (Google Play), Amazon’s Kindle Fire, and Nook HD devices.
TOS Magazine
- The magazine is digital, quarterly, and FREE. Read the current issue here:
- The magazine is also available FREE via the TOS apps (Apple, Android, Kindle Fire, and Nook). Download your free app here:
- The magazine provides an annual PRINT EDITION found in select Barnes & Noble, Hastings, Christian book stores,, and soon Target stores. Or, order online here: Order Print Issue Here.
Or Buy the Print
2016 Edition, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine
Regular price $25, includes shipping
Over 200 Color Pages – in Print
TOS Readership Facts:
About 70,000 individuals have downloaded the TOS mobile app to their devices (Apple, Android/Google, Nook HD, Kindle Fire) so they can read the magazine anytime it releases. It drops automatically into their devices every time. This app is free and accessed at
Beyond that, the online version of the magazine found at is accessed by approximately 15,000 to 18,000 or more individuals per issue. Issues continue to be read even after a newer one is released, adding to any given issue’s overall readership (back isues never go away). Although most readers live in the United States, the magazine is read in 159 countries. The U.S., Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Philippines, Germany, South Africa, New Zealand, Singapore, and India are in the top ten of these countries.