Hey Mama Monday: The Love of a Heavenly Father
Monday, 01 April 2019
Hey Mama, Just stopping in to remind you of how special you are to the Lord. You know how you love your kids? That bond is so great, nothing could ever break it, right? You would die for them. You would lay your life down to save theirs. I know you would. You’re just
- Published in - Faith, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
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Hey Mama Monday: Do Not Doubt God’s Planning
Monday, 25 March 2019
Hey Mama, Tears are not always a bad thing. I know you’ve had your fair share lately. Did you know the Lord your God notices? He uses these times to bring you closer to Him. “My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, ‘Where is
- Published in - Faith, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Hey Mama Monday: God Never Tires of Helping You
Monday, 18 March 2019
Hey Mama, I heard you were struggling again. I think part of the problem is that you keep forgetting how big He is, how in control He is of the situation, and how He’s using it right now for your good. He loves you. He’s going to grow you. You keep thinking He has
- Published in - Coping With Chaos, - Faith, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Hey Mama Monday: Your Problems Are in God’s Hands
Monday, 11 March 2019
Hey, Mama, just wanted to pop in and help you put your eyes on Jesus. He is still on the throne. While the world has gone mad, He is the same—unmovable, unshakable. He is our great and holy God and Savior, Jesus Christ. We get so caught up in the details of our current
- Published in - Coping With Chaos, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Hey Mama Monday: Be Prepared for Off-The-Rails
Monday, 04 March 2019
Hey Mama, it’s Monday. I heard you are drowning. You thought you were going to wake up and start a fresh new day, lots would get done, and you’d go to bed tonight content that so much was accomplished. It’s not looking that way, though, and the day is already underway and moving too
- Published in - Finding Joy, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Hey Mama Monday: What It Means to Delight Yourself in the Lord
Monday, 26 November 2018
Hey Mama, What does it mean to delight yourself in the Lord? When you smile at the thought of Him. When you can’t wait to say a quick prayer, proclaiming that you love Him. When you run to Him, whether because of a need or just to be with Him. Do we live our
- Published in Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Hey Mama Monday: It’s Time To Work Harder At Taking It Easy
Monday, 19 November 2018
Hey Mama, Just a couple more days until Thanksgiving. I hope you’re taking things (deliberately) slow. Don’t rush around and about, even though you feel like you need to. Perspective – we’re so thankful to the Lord, our Savior! Perspective, Mama – He has done so much for us! LIFE. He is the Life
- Published in Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Hey Mama Monday: A God Worth Giving Thanks For
Monday, 12 November 2018
Hey Mama, So much to be thankful for, this beautiful Thanksgiving week. Look at this time last year. You have stretched. There have been trials, tribulations, problems, hurtful seasons, and pain. There has also been joy, new life, friends who have stayed closer than a brother, and blessings from the Lord’s hand so direct
- Published in Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday