Cherish the Memories
Sunday, 04 February 2018
When our daughter was very little, not yet two, my parents gave her the gift of a picture book and a stuffed animal that went with it. The book was Jane Simmon’s Come Along, Daisy! The whimsical illustrations in the book invite the reader into Daisy’s world, as seen through the eyes of a
- Published in - Family, - Finding Joy, Articles, Blog
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Making Time for Family
Saturday, 03 February 2018
In the world today, it is so easy to get busy and forget what matters most to us here on earth. Our families need our love and undivided attention, but often, we are distracted with things like our phones, computers, or television. I know I have been guilty of putting things above my time
- Published in - Family, - Games and Activities, Articles, Blog
3 LEGO Games to Build Soft Skills
Friday, 02 February 2018
My kids love building with LEGOs. They have many different sets and will play for a couple of hours nearly every day if I let them. Whenever I bring LEGOs into our homeschool, I instantly have everyone’s attention. They’re eager to listen to the instructions and see what they get to do with the
- Published in - Games and Activities, Articles, Blog
Don’t Marry Your Method!
Thursday, 01 February 2018
As I was preparing to embark on my homeschooling journey, I read books, consulted veteran homeschooling moms, and gathered materials. One of those items was a set of vintage readers that was recommended for practicing oral reading. I purchased another book to teach phonics; so we focused on that first. My son hated it,
- Published in - Teaching Methods, Articles, Blog
Choosing the Best
Wednesday, 31 January 2018
Now that the hustle and bustle of the holidays has passed, we face another year, often with a bit of ambiguity. You may be a devout “resolution” person, or maybe here in early January you have already fallen off the resolution wagon. Its ok, you’re not alone. None of us are exactly alike, with
- Published in - Caring for Yourself, Articles, Blog
No More Trophy Children!
Tuesday, 30 January 2018
Can we please get one thing right in the new year? Can we agree to no longer have trophy children but just to simply love and cherish our children as they are? Too often homeschoolers feel the need to justify all they, and their children, have done—in order to try to prove to the
Hey Mama Monday: God Loves You More Than You Can Even Imagine
Monday, 29 January 2018
Hey Mama, It’s kind of interesting to me how when you go to Ephesians chapter 3 and read through the text, you find a strong message about Christ’s love for us. I mean, the writer, Paul, is trying to give us even a mere glimpse of that deep love that cannot even be fully
- Published in Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Helping Our Children Depend on Christ
Saturday, 27 January 2018
One reason I love physical books is the turning of the page. Don’t get me wrong—I use a Kindle often, but no matter how engaged I am in my e-books, there’s nothing like the crinkle of another page turn. And in that short moment, I go from the bottom of one page to the