Achievement Testing Dilemma
Friday, 26 January 2018
Several times a year, I watch as students pore over SAT and ACT prep books and attend prep classes; and moms and dads, feeling their student’s college career is at stake, stress out or stress their children out as test time approaches. Are these tests really necessary? Are they really an indicator of college
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Benefits of Dual Enrollment
Thursday, 25 January 2018
Dual enrollment is generally reserved for high school juniors and seniors who are in strong academic standing and demonstrate an aptitude for college level academics. Dual enrollment gives high school students the opportunity to earn both high school and college credit. In addition, when taken in a regionally accredited college, these courses can be
10 Simple Ways to Extend Reading Time
Wednesday, 24 January 2018
By extending your reading time, you can help your children develop a love of reading. You’ll help them dive into topics, explore characters, and really understand the theme of a book. Reading extension activities don’t have to be elaborate. In fact, simple activities often work best. The goal is to help your children get
3 Reasons To Teach Children Friendship Boundaries
Tuesday, 23 January 2018
“We’re sorry, but that’s what we decided. You’ll have to tell Cassie that we don’t think it’s best for you to sit with them.” I still remember the disappointment my parents’ decision caused me as a young teen. With few girls my age, the ache in my heart for friendship was a continual one.
Homeschooling in Canada – Jonessa Brown
Tuesday, 23 January 2018
Hi there! My name is Jonessa, and I’m a homeschooling mom to a logical, fun-loving 7-year-old boy, and a fiery, artistic 4-year-old girl. We began this journey three years ago when it was time for my son to enter kindergarten. At the time, I just wasn’t ready to have him gone from me for
Hey Mama Monday: Your Children Are Seeds, and God Will Help You Raise Them into Adults
Monday, 22 January 2018
Hey Mama, Right now they are popcorn. They are cracker jacks, laughing at anything and everything. Chuckle-heads with goofy humor. Faces that are chunky, crooked smiles, careless hair all over the place. Twinkly eyes because they don’t have a care in the world. Our children. Always our baby, we tell them. We’ll love you
- Published in Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Family Freebies Near You
Saturday, 20 January 2018
Although blog audiences are spread out across the globe there are definitely few things we might have in common throughout the year, including LOCAL FREEBIES. During special holidays companies enjoy the benefit of sharing free items, activities, and even hosting giveaways for their customers; however, most of these opportunities will be repeated throughout the
Cabin Fever and Marathons
Friday, 19 January 2018
Just before sitting down to write this I was busy hanging ornaments on our Christmas tree. Some are there only for beauty, but most hold a surprising amount of memory. I have a few from my own childhood (that survived the Great Fall of 2012) including a wooden soldier from when I was four