Plain Vanilla Days
Saturday, 16 December 2017
We had a guest speaker at church this past week. His message wasn’t one of fire and brimstone, nor was it “jump up and shout” material. It was a simple, yet profound truth that had somehow managed to escape me all these years. In a nutshell, he said that most of our lives aren’t
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Tis the Season for Suspicion
Friday, 15 December 2017
Ah, the holidays! As a homeschooling parent, I have mixed feelings about holiday get togethers. It is nice to see the relatives, but it is a mixed bag. Since my sister is a public-school teacher, I have not been able to speak freely about my life with my children for years. One year, right
Slowing Down and Finding Margin
Thursday, 14 December 2017
We homeschooling mamas are a unique bunch. We are each vastly different individuals, but we often struggle with the same challenges. One of the top challenges I have battled with, and see others battling with is our seeming inability to slow down. Somewhere, somehow, we have this idea that we need to be Super
The Greatest Gift
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
The air is getting colder, trees are starting to become bare, and darkness comes sooner each day. What does this mean? It means winter is approaching. But not only that, it means Christmas is coming soon. This is the time of year people check their shopping lists to make sure they have the best gift
Activities That Earn Scholarship Dollars
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
Don’t Miss These Scholarship Dollars This is my first round of college admissions. I have been surprised at the amount of college dollars available to my kids from the colleges they have applied to. Merit and Athletic Scholarships have covered a large part of our kids’ college costs. There are grants and scholarships for
Homeschooling Through an Academy
Monday, 11 December 2017
Many homeschoolers seek accreditation through an academy to provide themselves with some comfort in knowing their homeschool program is legitimate; but after homeschooling through an academy for seven years, we now homeschool on our own, and I would like to share our story. My husband graduated from the public school system; but I graduated
Hey Mama Monday: Be Patient, and Let God Act When He Knows It Is Time
Monday, 11 December 2017
Hey (brokenhearted) Mama, Just stopping in today because I heard you were anguishing and in tears. It’s the same old thing again, isn’t it? You never thought it would take so long. What good does it do, this dreadful waiting? Why?! You’re at the end of your rope. No more patience. No more waiting.
- Published in Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
What Does Christmas Mean To You?
Sunday, 10 December 2017
What do you think of when you hear the word “Christmas”? Do you think of time with family or presents under the tree? Does it make you anxious or joyful? Are you reminded of why we celebrate this special day of the year? Christmas used to be a time of stress for me. I