Hey Mama Monday: Are You Gearing Up for Christmas, Mama?
Monday, 06 December 2021
Hey Mama, Kids love to give gifts and make something special for those they love. Sometimes as adults, we forget how special creating gifts can be (and budget friendly–grin!). Whether you feel like you’re “crafty” or not, you’ll find some great ideas here: -The Old Schoolhouse® holiday supplements here and here -Pinterest for The
- Published in - Holidays, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
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Can Do Attitude
Friday, 03 December 2021
I often tell students that are concerned about their ability to pass one of my Spanish classes that there is only one type of student who fails my class: somebody who gives up. I teach Spanish at two Preschool – 12th grade schools in northern Kentucky. I taught over 300 students online for KET
- Published in Articles, Blog, Encouragement
The Complete Guide To Gameschooling
Wednesday, 01 December 2021
Do you use gameschooling as a form of education? Whether you are an unschooler, interest-led homeschooler, or you fall somewhere in between, chances are that you have used board games in your homeschool in one way, shape, or form. You may not label yourself as an official gameschooler, but after learning more about how it
- Published in - Fun Ways to Learn, Articles, Blog
Hey Mama Monday: How to Get Back to School After the Holidays, Mama
Monday, 29 November 2021
Hey Mama, I was trying to figure out this week why I was feeling so downcast right about now. Maybe it was because these last holiday weeks: I’ve been sick with a cold and nasty cough. I’ve had lots and lots of visitors. I’ve had some painful relationship issues to deal with. I’ve
- Published in - Holidays, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
How to Create a Culture of Gratitude in Your Homeschool
Friday, 26 November 2021
Gratitude changes the atmosphere in our house. Here are some practical ways to create and keep a culture of gratitude in your home school. Start the Day with Praise Surrender your day to the Lord each morning. Ask Him to pour out his peace, joy, and love into every heart. When you give control
Over the River and Through the Woods
Wednesday, 24 November 2021
Our determination to get together by any means available, through any weather, and on any date convenient to all remains the same. But many of the dishes atop our holiday tables have recently changed dramatically! For example, Thanksgiving dinner was always served family style. Prepared for an annual feast, we took our seats and
- Published in - Family, - Holidays, Articles, Blog
Hey Mama Monday: Are You Thankful, Mama?
Monday, 22 November 2021
Hey Mama, It’s that time of year—so first of all, Happy Thanksgiving! Have you found the best deal on turkey and thought through your “gobble day” feast? We have. But in the midst of good food, lots of family, and a household of chatter, try to remember the real reason for this season, a
- Published in - Faith, Articles, Blog, Devotional Door, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
10 Ways to Care for a Homeschool Mom’s Mental Health
Friday, 19 November 2021
Being a homeschool mom is not an easy job, and it can place an enormous toll on a homeschool mom’s mental health. Sometimes, this burden can feel so heavy that it begins to cause problems. You may become excessively tired, cranky, or sad. You may have difficulty concentrating and lose your effectiveness as a
- Published in - Caring for Yourself, Articles, Blog