Hey Mama Monday: Mama, Long Days and Short Years
Monday, 16 August 2021
Hey Mama, Every graduation, a video is created from only ten pictures to depict that child’s birth through their graduation. It plays for thirty seconds with their desired music in the background. When I watch these, their life from birth through graduation literally passes in front of my eyes, and I end up
- Published in Articles, Blog, Encouragement, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday, High School
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Moving on From Challenges in Life
Friday, 13 August 2021
Moving on can be difficult. When someone hurts us or someone we love, too often forgiveness is the last thing on our mind. I remember my first official position as youth minister. I moved from Cincinnati, OH, to a small town in Kentucky, thinking that I was starting a job at a congregation with
- Published in - Faith, Articles, Blog, Encouragement
Fun First Day of Homeschool Ideas
Tuesday, 10 August 2021
Use these ten fun first day of homeschool ideas on your first day back after the summer break to help ease your children into their new routine. Go on a field trip Bring education back in slowly by taking an educational excursion. Use the first day of school to go somewhere that your child
- Published in - Fun Ways to Learn, - Games and Activities, Articles, Blog
Hey Mama Monday: Perseverance or Public School, Mama
Monday, 09 August 2021
Hey Mama, What does homeschooling mean to you? Are you doing it because it’s a current popular trend and super convenient during this pandemic? Maybe you travel a lot or your kids have special needs. Were your children being bullied in public school, and you thought this would be the solution? So maybe
- Published in - New to Homeschooling, Articles, Blog, Encouragement, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
The Lessons Caedmon Learned
Friday, 06 August 2021
Do you have children that feel intimidated in some areas of their life? My children were all incredibly shy. They never wanted to speak or perform in front of other people. Yet, they had a lot of good stuff to say and were talented musically. I was inspired by Caedmon, a British shepherd from
- Published in - Christian Upbringing, - Faith, Articles, Blog
Homeschool History Timeline Ideas
Wednesday, 04 August 2021
When I was in school, they taught American history separate from world history, and European history separate from the history of the rest of the world. It was so disjointed that as a child, it never occurred to me that events in different parts of the world were happening at the same time. So,
- Published in - Resources, Articles, Blog
Hey Mama Monday: Let’s Not Forget About History, Mama
Monday, 02 August 2021
Hey Mama, In five years, life will be very different. You may have another child (or even a grandchild). People you know may have passed away. You might live in a different house or in a different state. You might have a completely different job. You might have no job at all. Life
- Published in - College, - Faith, Articles, Blog, Encouragement, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Back to School Checklist for Homeschoolers
Friday, 30 July 2021
It’s almost that time. Soon you and the children will be back on another year-long learning adventure. Here are some ways to get the school year off to a great start that have worked for me. Brainstorm, adapt them, and find your own back-to-school checklist. Here is my back to school checklist: Review Last
- Published in - Fun Ways to Learn, - Resources, Articles, Blog