Using Literature to Teach American History in High School
Friday, 29 January 2021
Many of us use a curriculum to teach history, but using literature to teach history can be a great teaching tool. I am continuing this history literature series with some of the best books to teach American history. Using literature to teach history illuminates the time period, helps integrate the history curriculum, and enriches
- Published in - Reading, - Resources, Articles, Blog
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Enjoy Success by Getting the Most out of Your Mistakes
Thursday, 28 January 2021
Everybody makes mistakes and homeschool moms are no exception. However, mistakes can be a steppingstone to success in the future if you handle them correctly. Admit Your Mistakes One thing that’s always popular at a homeschool conference is when there is a panel of veteran homeschool moms who talk about lessons they’ve learned
- Published in - Character Development, - Planning and Organization, Articles, Blog
How to Turn Around if You’re Going the Wrong Way
Wednesday, 27 January 2021
Wow! It’s already a New Year. Can you believe that? Personally, I hope this year is better than last year overall, how about you? So many things happened that I certainly didn’t foresee at the beginning of 2020, but I guess every year is like that in some ways. Anyway, when you’re homeschooling you
- Published in - Planning and Organization, Articles, Blog
Hey Mama Monday: “H” in Homeschooling is for Humor, Mama
Monday, 25 January 2021
Before I was a mother, I never imagined I’d hear myself say these things, but surprisingly, they did come from my mouth: “Sweetie, please get your toe out of the baby’s mouth.” “Why are you putting noodles in my sock?” “Son, don’t pick your nose with the lizard’s tail!” ME: “What are you doing?”
- Published in - Coping With Chaos, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Homeschool Burnout, Bedlam, and Balance
Friday, 22 January 2021
For many homeschooling families, getting back into the swing of homeschooling after a holiday is a challenge. Throw in a pandemic, and returning to ‘normal’ becomes even more of a challenge. Are you overwhelmed by the thought of getting back on schedule, or are you someone who does much better with schedules and you
- Published in - Caring for Yourself, - Finding Joy, Articles, Blog
Wear Your Motherhood Capes Proudly
Wednesday, 20 January 2021
By definition, a superhero is an exceptionally skillful or successful person. We, as a society, take it to mean anyone who steps up and does what is needed in times of adversity or emergency. Superheroes can be found in all walks of life. They don’t have to be just limited to medical professionals, the
- Published in - Caring for Yourself, - Finding Joy, Articles, Blog
Winter Books for Homeschool Families
Tuesday, 19 January 2021
Gather around the fire and snuggle up with these captivating winter books that the whole family can enjoy. Be sure to have your hot cocoa prepared as you cozy up and read these stories with your family. Are there little ones in your home? We have a compilation of winter-themed picture books galore. From
Hey Mama Monday: Mama, You Can Homeschool On a Budget
Monday, 18 January 2021
Hey, Mama, With seven kids, although some of them have graduated, money can be tight for everything — not just homeschooling. Homeschooling doesn’t have to be expensive. With the internet, the library, the support of other homeschool families, and the use of creative budgeting, you can homeschool inexpensively. Take a look at some advice
- Published in - New to Homeschooling, - Planning and Organization, - Resources, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday