Episode 24: Preparing for Life After High School
Monday, 10 July 2023
How can you help your homeschooler get ready for adult life? What are the options? When to start? Stephanie Morrison and Barbori Garnet discuss aspects to consider for “Preparing for Life After High School” in Episode 24 of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show. If you have a teen, tune in! Connections Connect with God’s Word
- Published in Homeschool Graduates, Homeschooling Teens, Podcast
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When Life Hurts: Strategies for Teaching Health and Manners, Mama
Monday, 10 July 2023
There are plenty of good homeschool products to teach the kids health and manners. But let’s look at what to do when we, as teachers, have bad health or bad manners. Bad Health Hurts We hurt in many ways when we are sick or unhealthy. Everything seems to fall apart, and we feel guilty for not doing more,
- Published in Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Episode 22: Creating Adventures for Independence Day
Monday, 26 June 2023
What are your plans for Independence Day? Tap into Deborah Wuehler’s thoughts for creating adventures that will make the entire month of July memorable. She outlines fun unit study ideas full of freedom and patriotic activities. Listen to Episode 22 of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show: “Creating Adventures for Independence Day,” then plan your family’s
- Published in Homeschool Encouragement, Homeschool History, Podcast
Daily, Affordable Mini-Retreats Can Help Moms with Overwhelming Stress
Wednesday, 21 June 2023
Women often feel overwhelmed with daily life. Throw in a hefty dose of a world that doesn’t seem to care for Christians, and Christian women feel doubly overwhelmed. Even going to the bathroom alone is a struggle or having the opportunity to drink a cup of coffee the first time it’s hot. Life can be
- Published in - Caring for Yourself, Articles, Blog
Episode 21: Teachable Moments: Interruptions or Appointments?
Monday, 19 June 2023
Here is an episode of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show that will shift your perspective when plans are interrupted. Join Christine Weller for Episode 21, “Teachable Moments: Interruptions or Appointments?” It’s an interesting question, and your homeschool will be blessed by Christine’s thought-provoking answer. Connections Connect with God’s Word “We glory in tribulations also: knowing
- Published in Homeschool Advice, Homeschool Dads, Homeschool Encouragement, Homeschool Moms, Podcast
Don’t Quit, Mama
Monday, 19 June 2023
There is probably at least one day a month or more that I want to say, “I Quit!” to something in my life, whether it be teaching, cleaning, cooking, transporting, marriage issues, or disciplining a child. We all share the same thoughts and feelings. That feeling of wanting to quit probably stems from a lack
- Published in Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Episode 20: How Can We Celebrate the Homeschool Dad?
Monday, 12 June 2023
In this delightful interview with her husband, Stephanie Morrison provides useful ways to honor and encourage the homeschool dad. Don’t miss Episode 20 of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show: “How Can We Celebrate the Homeschool Dad?” Honest, entertaining, and memorable. Mamas, this may be just what you need to hear today. Connections Connect with God’s
- Published in Homeschool Advice, Homeschool Dads, Homeschool Encouragement, Podcast
Episode 19: Teaching Writing–Is It Always a Challenge?
Monday, 05 June 2023
Do you like teaching writing in your homeschool? Even if putting thoughts on paper comes naturally to you, teaching writing can be tricky. Deborah Wuehler, the senior editor of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, shares ideas and tips as she talks rewriting, polishing, moving words around, and more in “Teaching Writing—Is It Always a Challenge?” It’s
- Published in Homeschool Advice, Homeschool Language Arts, Podcast