Hey Mama Monday: Time for Everything, Mama
Monday, 08 November 2021
Hey Mama, I don’t know about you, but this could be a common lament at my house: “Help! I ran out of time to do everything I planned!” In my zoo (otherwise known as a family–grin), that’s a common problem. I can make all kinds of plans, but real life all too often
- Published in - Caring for Yourself, - College, - Faith, Articles, Blog, Devotional Door, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
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Homeschooling’s Role in Teaching Practical Life Skills
Friday, 05 November 2021
Homeschoolers learn all the academic basics. We start with our reading, writing, and arithmetic and go on to social studies, science, and so on. But there’s more to homeschooling than academics. Home education presents an opportunity to learn many practical life skills as well. If you’re homeschooling, or at least thinking about it, here
- Published in - Caring for Yourself, - Character Development, - Resources, Articles, Blog
Comprehensive Resource Guide for Homeschool Families
Wednesday, 03 November 2021
Homeschooling parents love to share their resources with others. This resource guide for homeschool families is provided by homeschooling families for homeschooling families. If you have ever been in the same room as more than one homeschool mom, then you know that the conversation often leads to curriculum: the good, bad, and the ugly.
Hey Mama Monday: Preparing for College and Life, Mama
Monday, 01 November 2021
Hey Mama, I know that today it seems like your children will be young and needy forever, but I can attest that it will feel like time went by way too fast when you are standing at the graduation of your homeschooled child and looking back. You may be crying tears of frustration
- Published in - College, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Tips and Tricks to Keep Homeschooling Fun During the Holiday Season
Friday, 29 October 2021
How can you homeschool through the distractions of the holidays? It is possible, but it will take some work, and I’ve got some tips and tricks to keep homeschooling fun during the holiday season! I’m a “retired” homeschooling mom, which means all of my kids have graduated high school. The holidays look so different
- Published in - Holidays, Articles, Blog
Seize the Moment
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
The thrill is gone. The new has worn off the new school year. For some of us, the new way of educating has lost its luster. It’s not only the time of year, but it may also be the way we are teaching our children that is tarnishing the excitement of learning. I was
- Published in - Character Development, - Planning and Organization, Articles, Blog
Hey Mama Monday: Teaching Around Life’s Obstacles, Mama
Monday, 25 October 2021
Hey Mama, I ask myself this question often: “When will I ever get to homeschool the way I want to?” I’d be the best homeschool teacher if it weren’t for (fill in the blank: difficult interruptions/difficult finances/difficult children/friends who do it better/spouses who aren’t supportive, etc.). Should I give up if I can’t
- Published in Articles, Blog, Encouragement, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
To Get What We Need
Friday, 22 October 2021
In your home, who is the resident authority on etiquette? Who says “Sit up straight,” “Don’t talk with food in your mouth” or “Please, chew with your mouth closed,” “Lower your voice” or “Use indoor voices!” “Say please, and say thank you,” “No hitting,” “No pinching,” “Don’t fuss,” “Use your words.” “Comb your hair
- Published in - Character Development, Articles, Blog, Encouragement