Hey Mama Monday: Mama, We Are Dust
Monday, 13 September 2021
Hey Mama, God’s Word teaches us that we are weak in nature. Our frame is dust. But out of His kindness and understanding, He recognizes our frailties. Still, He has given us His Word. We are responsible to read it, to apply it, to pick up our cross and follow Him, to strive
- Published in Articles, Blog, Devotional Door, Encouragement, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
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Tips for Making Homeschool Work When You Have a Chronic Illness
Friday, 10 September 2021
Homeschooling can be a great choice for your family. You have the opportunity to design your child’s curriculum, engage with more personal lesson approaches, and even mold your schedule around the diverse needs of your family. However, that’s not to say that homeschooling is without some significant challenges. This might include the possibility that
- Published in - Faith, Articles, Blog, Encouragement
Fun Homeschool Organization Ideas on a Budget
Wednesday, 08 September 2021
As soon as you begin homeschooling, it becomes clear pretty quickly that you will need to come up with homeschool organization ideas—and fast! Each family’s situation is unique, which means a one-size-fits-all approach does not apply to homeschool organization. Each family needs to look at how many children they are homeschooling, which rooms of
- Published in - Planning and Organization, - Resources, Articles, Blog
Hey Mama Monday: Balancing Priorities, Mama
Monday, 06 September 2021
Hey Mama, I homeschool full time. I work full time. I pray for wisdom all the time. There are two things that we keep in mind as I work from home and also homeschool. They are Keeping family as first priority. Scheduling with flexibility. Family First My family must always come first. So,
- Published in - Planning and Organization, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
When God Doesn’t Give All the Pieces
Friday, 03 September 2021
Most of us are familiar with the story. God rejects Saul as king over Israel and sends his faithful servant Samuel to anoint a new leader. “Fill your horn with oil and go…” God tells Samuel. “I will send you to Jesse the Bethlehemite, for I have selected a king for myself among
- Published in - Faith, Articles, Blog, Devotional Door, Encouragement
Teaching Children to Write With Confidence
Wednesday, 01 September 2021
“Honey, you need to rewrite this paper….” “I hate writing!” Tears, frustration, and raised voices – is this what teaching writing is like at your house? We often deceive ourselves into thinking that some kids are good writers and others are not. While it is true that some children are gifted writers, all teens
- Published in - Fun Ways to Learn, - Games and Activities, Articles, Blog, Language Arts
Hey Mama Monday: Habits Bring Peace
Monday, 30 August 2021
Hey Mama, Classical Education and Charlotte Mason Education both vouch for creating good habits and starting them when the children are young. There are so many benefits that result from the forming of good habits. Peace is one of them. Wouldn’t we all like a dose of peace in our homeschool days? It
- Published in Articles, Blog, Charlotte Mason Homeschooling, Classical Homeschooling, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Homeschool Curriculum to Make Learning Spanish Fun
Friday, 27 August 2021
I have always wanted to learn Spanish. I took two years of high school Spanish, and then after college, I married the son of Colombian immigrants. My in-laws frequently conversed in Spanish with my husband, leaving me to rely on what I could recall from almost ten years earlier. Living in a culturally diverse
- Published in Articles, Blog, Foreign Language, Unit Study