This Is Your Mission
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
It almost sounds like an episode of Mission Impossible, except that with God all things are possible. From the beginning of the Christian faith, there were people and events that greatly impacted Christianity and the world. Learn about these Jewish roots and the people, places, and events in History of Christianity. This nine-unit video-based
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A Sure Foundation
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
For anything to stand strong and withstand the winds that batter against it, it must have a sure foundation. The same is true for us. If we don’t have a strong foundation, we won’t be able to stand strong when the storm rages on. Foundations for Kids is a course for elementary students that
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The Stories We Know and Love . . . in a Digital Format
Monday, 21 September 2015
Kids, and some adults, engage more effectively with a digital format, even when it comes to Bible stories. Now, on, students in elementary school through high school can enjoy learning about the Bible through videos. Bible Stories for Kids shares the stories of Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Jesus, the Apostle Paul, and more. Forty-four
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Now I Know My ABCs
Saturday, 19 September 2015
As preschool children and kindergarteners are learning their ABCs, they can connect those letters to professions and famous people in history. ABC What Will I Be? is a 26-week course taught by Alecia Francois that looks at professionals including a baker, an optician, an investigator, an umpire, a zookeeper, and so on. Alecia provides
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You’re Not Going to Believe It!
Friday, 18 September 2015
A membership to not only gives you access to more than 160 classes, it also gives you access to a special media library of more than 10,000 faith-filled videos! Through a special partnership with RightNow Media, every member has complete access to this media library at NO cost for as long as
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Kind of Makes Me Wonder
Thursday, 17 September 2015
There are so many wonderful things in this world. Science provides some insight into how they are made and how they work. General Science with Steve Rosenoff takes middle schoolers through the history of science, scientific inquiry, geology, classification, and human anatomy. This Red Wagon Tutorials course can be used as a standalone introduction
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Get the Word Out
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Elementary students are the focus of today’s post. One of our courses is Little Language Arts. This is currently a 35-week-course taught by Crystal Marcum that covers various literary genres and will look at topics including alliteration and the elements of poetry; visualization; nonfiction; autobiography; and more. Generally, each unit of four weekly lessons will
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Get It in Writing
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
It’s never too early to learn to write well, and it’s never a bad idea to have fun doing it. Jan May knows this. She is teaching Adventures in Writing, a brand new course on Eight- to twelve-year-olds will enjoy this farm-related writing adventure with Daisy the Duck and Moo-Cow Mayor in Mooville.
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