Make a Connection
Monday, 14 September 2015
There are more than seven billion people living on this planet. Nearly 6,500 languages are spoken by these seven billion people. How many do you know? Now, no one will ever know all 6,500, but wouldn’t it be great if we knew two or three? Think of the wonderful people you could make a
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Something Out of Nothing
Saturday, 12 September 2015
It’s always fun to see a project finished—to start with nothing and end up with something amazing. By the end of Lapbooking, students in PreK through middle school can create lapbooks for more than two dozen titles. Niki Coburn McNeil of In the Hands of a Child provides step-by-step instructions to help students make their
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Save the Bookworm!
Friday, 11 September 2015
Many of us don’t like worms and bugs, but one we should fight to save is the bookworm. How do we do this? Instill a love of reading in our children. Fran May understands this and has put together a series of unit studies in Children’s Literature for Life. Designed to last four to
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Get Your Passport Ready!
Thursday, 10 September 2015
Our trip will be a bit unconventional. Not only will we travel to Russia, but we will travel to Russia’s past. Dr. Carol Reynolds will be our tour guide in Imperial Russia as she takes students in grades 8-12 back to the time of medieval princes to look at major historical developments that shaped
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A Joyful Noise
Wednesday, 09 September 2015
I’m glad God gave us the gift of music. How about you? I’m also glad there are many different types of music. If It Isn’t Baroque . . . The History of Western Music is a course that studies the history of the music in the western world, beginning with music in ancient times
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All Hands on Deck
Tuesday, 08 September 2015
Many of our kids learn best if they can work with their hands. Tinkers Club with Ed Sobey, PhD, is series of classes that encourage learning by creating, observing, and asking why something happened the way it did, then making changes to bring about the desired result. All of the lessons use, for the
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Never Fear . . . Chemistry’s Here!
Monday, 07 September 2015
Two of the newest courses on will benefit your high school student and put your mind at ease. Chemistry is one of those courses most of us feel inadequate to teach. We would rather leave this subject to the textbooks or a co-op class, taught by someone else. Now, your high school student
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Some Freebies and Some Focus
Saturday, 05 September 2015
It’s always fun to get something for nothing. knows this, and we have provided some super freebies in our Freebie Corner. Here you’ll find a seal fun pack, a presidential word search, letter tracing, British Museum printables, Grandma Moses art appreciation printables, preschool activities with trains, Christmas Copywork, a literature quiz, Declaration of
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