Exemplary Expression
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
If you love to write, chances are you hope to inspire others with your writing. Perhaps you write because you have to. There’s no reason why your writing can’t inspire others, too. You just need a little bit of guidance. Take the college admission essay. Don’t you want your essay to stand out from
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All Around the World
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
The way our economy functions is a result of the way situations around the world are resolved. One country’s economy impacts another’s. We are dependent on each other, and we can certainly learn from each other. Economics with Mike Sims is a middle school/high school course that discusses the function of economics in various
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Boundless Biology
Monday, 24 August 2015
The field of biology seems almost boundless in its ability to teach us new things about life. Once we feel we have a handle on something, a new discovery is made. High school students have the opportunity to participate in a full year of Biology with Ruth Sundeen here on SchoolhouseTeachers.com. Ruth approaches biology
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Making the Connection
Saturday, 22 August 2015
The more time I spend writing these blog posts to let you know about the courses on SchoolhouseTeachers.com, the more I am struck by how the classes we offer work together so well. Take Filmmaking and Photography. These are elective courses that are enjoyable and will teach your student a great deal. Filmmaking is
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Healthy Bodies . . . Healthy Families
Friday, 21 August 2015
Health is forefront in the media these days. If we don’t take care of our bodies, they won’t take care of us, so to speak. Children of all ages should know what it means to be healthy. If they learn early, perhaps they can be spared some difficulties when they are older. New to
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The Importance of a Strong Foundation
Thursday, 20 August 2015
When we think of a foundation, we typically envision a building of some sort, perhaps a house or a skyscraper. A foundation, however, must exist in many different places—our spiritual lives, our education, and even our country. Early American History with A.K. Fielding is a 16-week course for middle school students during which they
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Literature from Different Views
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
How we understand what we read is typically based on our own viewpoints. Two of our newest literature courses will challenge those viewpoints. African American Literature with Bethanie Frank is an 18-week advanced high school literature course that will explore the literary traditions of African American literature through poetry, short stories, essays, drama, journals,
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Planning to Succeed
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
With the right tools, our children can succeed, no matter their age. Starting a Micro Business for Teens with Carol Topp is designed to help teenagers learn about the world of micro businesses—what they are and what they can learn from starting one. Students will learn how to achieve a vision for a business
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