The Wonder of Creation
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
What an amazing gift we’ve been given to be able to understand the detailed workings of Creation. The intricate nature of living things and the processes that occur throughout our world point to a Creator. Exploring God’s World with First Grade Science provides first graders with a full-year introduction to science. It includes text,
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All Hands on Deck
Monday, 11 July 2016
You’ll need your hands for these classes. Hands-On Architecture, taught by Amy Gillispie, contains step-by-step architecture lessons for elementary and middle school students. The first unit introduces students to exciting, easy-to-find materials they will use to make fun architectural structures (lines, planes, shapes; building with food; building with wood); Unit 2 takes students through
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The Connection
Wednesday, 06 July 2016
Have your kids ever wondered why they need to learn algebra? What did you tell them? I know I’ve told my kids they might just need it for the career they choose. “You never know,” I say. Now you have the chance to share the connection. For those students who have taken Algebra I
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In The Beginning
Monday, 04 July 2016
Everything must start somewhere. It is just as true for our planet as it is for learning a foreign language. That’s why we have two new courses to help you with those topics. Beginning Latin with Antoinette Franklin is a full-year course designed for children of all ages. Though Latin is not a native
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Here’s One for the Books
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Do you want to hear something absolutely amazing? now has a Literacy Center! There is no need to look elsewhere for a curriculum to help teach your child to read. Your membership now includes one. Our Literacy Center is designed to help you determine where to begin reading instruction with your child. You
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The Best Laid Plans
Monday, 27 June 2016
I have a child who almost can’t function without a plan. Disorganization is her enemy. Does this describe you or your child, too? If so, our new organizational tool could be just what you need. The staff at is busy creating lesson plans for each course that will allow you to specify to
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Rabbits and Revolution
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
I know, you think I’ve gone off my rocker. “Rabbits have nothing to do with revolutions,” you say. They do if they are two of the newest courses on American Revolution with A. K. Fielding is a nine-week course that introduces middle school students to the key battles—Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, Saratoga,
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Take Note
Monday, 20 June 2016
We have new classes on that are perfect for summer! Fun with Music by Susan Brown, is for children in elementary through high school. It is a collection of four games that use flash cards to help students learn important musical terminology including note names, music intervals and key signatures, symbols, and other
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