Unlimited Potential
Saturday, 07 March 2015
Once we see a need and respond to it, a child’s potential can be unlimited. Special Needs with Judi Munday addresses some of the challenges that parents face today—dyslexia, processing disorders, difficulty reading, etc. Through nineteen lessons, Judi assists parents with writing goals and choosing curriculum, modifying and adapting curriculum, teaching students with dyslexia to
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The Architect and the Actor
Friday, 06 March 2015
What do an architect and an actor have in common? They are professions your children can be introduced to on SchoolhouseTeachers.com. How to Write and Produce a Play with Marci Hanks invites students in the upper elementary grades through high school to spend 29 weeks learning how to choose a topic for a play, write
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Bring History to Life
Thursday, 05 March 2015
So much can be learned from history. It isn’t an endless list of dates and names with no significance in the present. It is alive with real people and events that have shaped our world, our country, even who we are as a people. Younger students can have fun bringing history to life with Figures
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Using Your Voice
Wednesday, 04 March 2015
There are many ways we can use our voices. SchoolhouseTeachers.com encourages your children to benefit others with theirs. Maybe they love to sing but could use a few lessons. Perhaps they have a burden for hurting people, and they want their voice to be heard around the world. Music/Voice with Joy Sikorski will help anyone
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Time Travel
Tuesday, 03 March 2015
The idea of time travel has fascinated me for years. Though it hasn’t been proven to be physically possible, we can transport our minds to distant lands and different periods in world history. We can learn about people and places all over the world with Geography with Terri Johnson, co-owner of Knowledge Quest, Inc. Through
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Member Perks
Monday, 02 March 2015
Who doesn’t love a program with perks? Members of SchoolhouseTeachers.com have many, two of which are the Affiliate Program and Member Discounts. When your friends become members of SchoolhouseTeachers.com using your affiliate link, you will receive 20% of the membership cost. For instance, if a friend signs up for the annual membership of $139,
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Rocks and Rhododendrons
Saturday, 28 February 2015
Rocks and plants abound on Schoolhouse Teachers! Geology with Patrick Nurre, geared to students in third grade and up, covers the rock aspect. In the first half of his course, Patrick discusses the connection between rocks and minerals and teaches students how to identify the rocks in their area. The second half of the course
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History in the Making
Friday, 27 February 2015
Our country has a fascinating history. We could read all the history books and still not know everything that took place. New stories come out virtually every day about some event or some amazing person in our past. With Everyday Explorers: USA, you can learn new facts about each of our fifty states. Visit historic
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