What Are You Feeding Your Family?
Monday, 05 January 2015
What goes into our bodies often determines what comes out of our bodies, be it energy and endurance or language and attitude. Follow along with Jennifer Needham in Family Nutrition under the Family/For Parents tab. This 14-week course for the whole family will teach you how to eat healthier, how our culture affects our food
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Master Math
Saturday, 03 January 2015
SchoolhouseTeachers.com wants your children to succeed in their education. That’s why we have full-year courses and supplementary courses for those students who need a little bit of help. Pre-Algebra with Charlene Johnson is a full-year math courses for middle and high school students. It spans ten months and discusses fractions, decimals, percents, English and metric
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On the Right Track
Friday, 02 January 2015
Sometimes we need a little help, whether we’re just starting our journey or have difficulties along the way. That’s why SchoolhouseTeachers.com has teamed up with Judi Munday, a special needs educational consultant, to bring you a Special Needs course. Throughout the 19 lessons available, Judi explains how to write goals and choose curriculum, modify and
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Nature and Nurture
Thursday, 01 January 2015
Our world is full of wonderful things to observe and explore. Botany with Julie Polanco touches on one of these things—plants. This is a 16-week course designed for middle and high school students that includes a discussion of soil, plant roots, water, transpiration, leaves and stems, plant cells, defenses, medicine, flowers, ferns, mosses, gymnosperms, and
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Well Written
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Being able to write well is slowly becoming a lost art. Your child’s writing, however, does not have to suffer this fate. SchoolhouseTeachers.com has numerous writing courses available for all grades. Writing with Janice Campbell is a course for upper elementary through high school students in which they study a chosen passage, absorb it, analyze
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Get to Work
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Do your kids have a career in mind? Are they having a hard time figuring out what they’d like to do after they graduate? Middle and high school students can join Carol Topp for Career Exploration, an eight-week course that will help them learn to discern God’s will for their lives, discover their talents and
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Well Traveled
Monday, 29 December 2014
Are you planning on staying home during the Christmas season or will you be traveling? Regardless, you can travel to far off places with SchoolhouseTeachers.com. Everyday Explorers: USA will take you on a tour of each of the 50 states. These history tours traverse the country and make stops at sites of historical and natural
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Can You Dig It?
Saturday, 27 December 2014
We can learn a great deal about our earth by digging in and making discoveries. Geology with Patrick Nurre is a class for high school and middle school students (and upper elementary) that does just that. His first unit on rocks and minerals looks at rocks and the minerals within them, volcanic rocks, and sedimentary
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