Give Thanks
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
During this Thanksgiving week, many of us will reflect on what we have to be thankful for. Students in elementary and middle school can learn about Asia in Bonnie Rose Hudson’s Asia: Safari course. Bonnie shares many fascinating details about each of the countries discussed and informs us about the difficulties that Christians face there.
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It’s a Zoo Out There!
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
We go to the zoo to see a wide variety of animals we wouldn’t normally see in our area like giraffes and lions. We are usually fascinated by such creatures. How often, though, are we fascinated by the animals that are around us on a daily basis? This week we will spend a lot of
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What’s Cooking?
Monday, 24 November 2014
Oh, the wonderful smells that will be coming from our kitchens this week! If you have some holes in your menu or need some ideas for the leftover pumpkin filling or turkey, check out the November Monthly Menu under both the Resources tab and the Family/For Parents tab. You’ll find recipes for pumpkin roll, pumpkin
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College . . . Are You Ready?
Saturday, 22 November 2014
This school year is nearly halfway over. Are you ready for your high schooler to go to college or to start applying to colleges? Have they done any research on scholarships? Denise Ames can assist them—and you—in this journey in her College Choice Guidance course. Seventeen monthly units split into weekly lessons will help high
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Kids and Keyboards
Friday, 21 November 2014
A good education is just as important for the wee ones in our families as the older children, but it tends to manifest itself in a different way for preschoolers. Charlotte Mason Preschool with Brittney Jordan is a course that assists parents with youngsters. They will spend some time observing and interacting with nature, reading
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Stay Active, Stay Fit
Thursday, 20 November 2014
The best way to stay in shape is to stay active. has that covered. Well, we can’t make you move, but we can provide a fun way to stay fit as a family. Family Fitness with Bethany Learn is a class for all ages. Bethany has provided 12 weeks or professional videos, printouts, and
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Member Benefits
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Besides the obvious benefit of having over 100 courses available for the entire family for one low annual fee, members receive a wide variety of additional benefits such as Monthly Bonus E-Books. For every month you remain a member (through the first year), you will receive three new downloadable WeE-Books. There are many different topics
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Welcome to the Right Side of Your Brain!
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
When your middle school and high school students need a break from the rigors of math and science or language arts and history, they can join one of the superb art courses available on Students taking Brenda Ellis’ Art Techniques course will learn how to make colorful arrangements in oil pastel this month. After
- Published in Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers