Read and Interpret
Friday, 07 November 2014
Kathy Lapan’s five-month Statistics course for upper middle school and high school students is presented through a slide-show format, a bit different than most of the courses on Kathy introduces students to statistics and discusses things like normal distribution, diagrams, charts, standard deviation, slope, demographics, sample size, and more. High school students who complete
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Use Your Imagination
Thursday, 06 November 2014
Are your middle and high schoolers creative? Do they write thrilling stories? Do you find, though, they could use a bit of fine tuning? Join Carrie Daws in her Creative Writing course as she spends the next two months discussing dialogue. If you’ve just joined, you can still access the first three months’ worth
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Can Science be Friendly?
Wednesday, 05 November 2014
The teachers here at are passionate about what they are sharing with students. They have a love for learning and want to help students learn themselves. Joey Hajda is one such teacher. His course, Friendly Chemistry, is geared toward middle school and high school students and begins with an introduction to chemistry. He then
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A Little or a Lot
Tuesday, 04 November 2014
Whether you’re looking for a little bit of math practice or a lot, has what you’re looking for. One of our daily offerings is Daily Math. With more than 200 worksheets and drills available to reinforce a plethora of math concepts, children of all ages can benefit from extra math practice, and these worksheets
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Benefiting from Our Environment and Protecting It
Monday, 03 November 2014 wants to come alongside you and your family to provide whatever assistance you might want or need. Not only are academics addressed, but the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects are as well. One of our newest courses is Nourishing Nuggets with Wendy Stoller. Each month, Wendy will be discussing some aspect of healthful eating.
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Fulfilling a Need
Saturday, 01 November 2014 recognizes there are many different ways to learn and many ways that children struggle to learn. We have enlisted the help of some experts to assist you in your journey. Special needs consultant, Judi Munday, provides invaluable assistance through her Special Needs course. She talks about writing short-term goals, choosing curriculum, modifying and adapting
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Perks for Parents
Friday, 31 October 2014
Not only do children benefit from, but parents can benefit as well. There are courses under the Family/For Parents tab so you can learn along with your children, and there are ways to save and make money. Do you already tell your friends about all of the wonderful classes available on Then be
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The Write Stuff
Thursday, 30 October 2014 has many options available to improve your child’s writing ability. Two mini-courses are Writing: Compare and Contrast and Writing: The College Admission Essay, both led by Sharon Watson. These courses contain ten lessons and two lessons, respectively. Compare and Contrast teaches middle school and high school students various methods of comparing and contrasting—an important
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